Seems there's a new trailer out for the movie as well as a new poster for it. I promised I'd post something new about the movie every week and here is this week's installment. Unfortunately, because I write some of my blog entries in advance by the time you read this the trailer will be over a week old. The new trailer seems to give away a great deal of information, which might make watching the film a let down of sorts. I, however, am still looking forward to watching the story in it's entirety. Please support the movie when it comes out Nov. 21 as queer women of color are hard to come by at the theaters.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Half Penny post: Visiting folks and QOC support group

Now I do need to mention that home is in rural OH and the photo on the left demonstrates what I had to dodge as I was driving to and from. It's harvest season so we share the roads with combine harvesters which require both lanes of the road.
I stopped by my alma mater to see a few old friends. One of the folks that I saw was very suprised to see me on campus. I haven't been to campus on a weekday since I left OH eons ago. The way I looked threw her off. She thought I was new student and was about to tell me that I looked like a past student when I greeted her and she figured out who I was.
What threw her off you might wonder ... Well I've been gone for a year and a half and in that time my hair's grown out quite a bit. I now have locs which further threw her off. I used to be notorius for wearing jeans and sweaters, even when I was in grad school. This time around I'm more into khakhis (courtesy of having a job). She kept going on about how different I looked and the how the prep look was really in agreement with me. Now said lady was one of the many moms that I had out there. As I was looking around her office I saw a button that made me smile. It was for Christian LGBT youth.
One of the ladies' that I visited asked me if I had a boyfriend. Did she not see the rainbow bracelet on my hand? Everyone else was astute enough to ask if I was seeing someone special.
Recently I attended a support group for queers of color in Chicago. Most of the queer student groups that I know of in town are geared towards our caucasian brethren and it was a change of pace to attend one with more darkies than not. I connected with another staff member from our university and hopefully something can be put together on our campus for queers of color, with an invitation extended to students from the campus which hosted the last support group.
Teach Tolerance!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I Can't Think Straight Pt. 2
Video 2 based on the movie I can't think straight. It's a condensed 'Making Of' video. Please go out and support the movie when it comes out in November.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I can't think straight pt 1
A while back I heard about the movie I Can't Think Straight and have been dying to see it since. The soundtrack is to die for as well. I have been waiting rather impatiently for the song Little Feeling by Leonie Casanova to show up on iTunes so that I can get it. The video below is the first in a series of videos that I'm going to post about the movie.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Half penny post: This and that
First off thanks to all the kindly folks who frequent this blog. You have given me a sense of community and family. I have also been blessed to learn from those who have blogs of their own. So thank you to all.
To the kindly folks who have also taken time out of their days to let me know that gays are going to hell, thank you as well. This clip is for you... Rowan Atkinson does one hell of a monologue. Please note it is in jest and is not meant to offend anyone.
I have been reading on queers of color with a particular interest in Africans or immigrants. If you have any resources that you think might be of use, please put them into comments section.
On a different note, welcome to fall in Chicago. 80 degrees one day 50 the next. Today I began layering clothing in earnest. Layering included a waterproof jacket as it's raining as well. The leaves have turned and that has prompted me to take a trip back to OH to see the Fall foliage, so this weekend I'll be blogging from one airport or another.
To the kindly folks who have also taken time out of their days to let me know that gays are going to hell, thank you as well. This clip is for you... Rowan Atkinson does one hell of a monologue. Please note it is in jest and is not meant to offend anyone.
I have been reading on queers of color with a particular interest in Africans or immigrants. If you have any resources that you think might be of use, please put them into comments section.
On a different note, welcome to fall in Chicago. 80 degrees one day 50 the next. Today I began layering clothing in earnest. Layering included a waterproof jacket as it's raining as well. The leaves have turned and that has prompted me to take a trip back to OH to see the Fall foliage, so this weekend I'll be blogging from one airport or another.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Happy Coming Out Day!
Happy coming out day to you all.
May the people we come out to be receptive and supportive.
If they aren't right now ...
may they process the information and eventually become supportive.
My name is Ty and I'm coming out as a queer/ lesbian Zimbabwean.
Thanks to Queers United for highlighting the video below.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Home again
Today I flew back from the west coast. I'd gone to see my best mate. It was without question the most fun that I've had in a very long time. I laughed more than I have in a long time, annoyed her to no end and loved just being me. Beauty of where we were was that my gender bending ways were not a cause for stares and glares. I was my flaming self and noone looked twice. Contrast that with the day when I flew out of here and got a pat down till the guy figured out I was female and was like "O you can go".
Today's return trip was no different. Yes I had on a jacket so maybe my swagger was more masculine than feminine but seriously, I'm standing in front of you getting a tkt and you keep referring to me as sir ... WTF! Throw in the lady at the airport burritto spot in Phoenix who was staring daggers across the counter at me. I was about to say something to her because it was getting a tad uncomfortable. I merely wanted lunch. There's always the possibility that she has not met androgynous queers before and I threw her for a loop, but openly staring is not cool. Sneak a glance or somn. I did have the pleasure of someone eyeing me up and down and smiling so that kinda made up for things.
On a different note the flight back was the bumpiest flight ever. Talk about make a milkshake while flying. The take off was shaky to say the least ... u r on the runway and can feel the plane being pushed by the cross winds. The pilot deserves a hand cause about 100ft or so into the air, before the wheels were even in, the plane was swaying. Pilot kept us on track though. I was in the last row and literarily holding up the john walls. That in and of itself was not cool, but at least I had an aisle seat. Everything is amplified in the rear and the turbulence were no exception. It's a miracle that I fell asleep and was out for more than half the flight.
Anyway back to regular life now. Should be back blogging regularly on this, that and everything in between.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Blogs from the road: San Fran
And we've arrived in San Fran. Now my original trip was Chi - Phoenix - Oakland Cali. Ended up being Chi - Vegas - San Fran. In the grand scheme of things I ended up in the general vicinity of where I wanted to go. I must say they weren't kidding when they said the hills in this area will kill you. I went up one in Berkeley and can u say out of breath. Got to the top and had to lay myself down for a minute. The view from up here is worth it though. Photo is of SFO airport.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Blogs from the road: Vegas
And we're in Vegas ... where else in the world do you get off a plane and get accosted by slot machines ... tis much warmer than Chi and the bloke on the seat next to me kept referring to me as young man. Tried my hand and made off with all of 75c. Now note this is off of a $1 investment... so compared to the stock market right now I made a killing.
Blogs from the road: Chi
and we're off on another adventure. I'm off of work for a couple of days, more like a week really and am going to take in a few airports and cities. Chi is starting point and things are already interesting. My original flight from Chi to Phoenix was cancelled due to maintenance so all people on that flight were rolled over to the 9am flight. Lo and behold they cancelled that one to due yet again to maintenance. Now being the shrewd traveller that I am I calculated the odds of my making it off standby on the next flight and asked them to take me off that flight and put me on the one going thru Vegas. So I'm off to Vegas in a few. I'm actually leaving on the 8.30 flight so my travel plans are only off by an hr...