Today we'll deviate a lil from the regular format because there has been something lurking in the back of my mind for the last couple of days. I'll not make much sense but bear with me as my hands are somewhat tied.
As I grow older I am made more acutely aware of the fact that I know nothing. Well nothing as in the crucial life lessons. I can spout theorems no problem, but do I really know anything? I mean if I were called upon to speak with authority what wisdom would I give? Majoring in alcohol is not recommended? Your actions should allow you to sleep at night?
An event is drawing nearer and it really has me freaked out. No it is not the impending graduation that has me rethinking things. An no there is no secret wedding in the works. It is something more elemental ... hell I'm sure it gives many folks a sleepless night as well as it draws nearer. In another 6 weeks I'll probably abandon the pretense of sleeping altogether.
I really wish my maternal grandma were still around. I would give her a ring and get some philosophical gems from her as well as a 101 traditional African tales. As odd as it sounds, I really could use one of her tales. I realized that I don't remember many of them and it is kinda disappointing. What tales will I tell my kids? Hansel and Gretel? 3 little pigs? I would love to tell the tales of Umvundla lontelethsa , of Ufudu lomlimisi, of Okoko bakho. There is a rich history that I have slowly let go of which is sad. Sadder still is the fact that my parents can only fill me in halfway. The image is a nod to the modernization of traditional tales.
Anyway so that this post is not a total loss:
- Week's been good... weather not so much.
- Classes are kicking ass and I'm kicking right back.
- This business of job hunting ought to come with a paycheck.
- I now have a knack for these job / college fairs. I can chat up most recruiters and end up leaving with cards even though they are not interested in bringing in IT people. Follow-up is now my next challenge to be conquered.
- I have a trip this week to DC. Whoever decided that 6am flights ought to be the cheapest ought to be hung by their thumbs. I pretty much am going to forego sleep on Monday night so that I don't miss the flight. This will be after a full day of work + class. I am ambitious. I really am looking forward to seeing my sister ... o and can't forget Mzu now can we.
Happy coming out weekend!
image extracted from http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/cartoonists/mbc/lowres/mbcn80l.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cartoonstock.com/directory/v/vides.asp&usg=__zu7YkN7oc-WEACBoVb8okjSgYT0=&h=400&w=400&sz=30&hl=en&start=20&um=1&tbnid=ZoeSmjZVOZr60M:&tbnh=124&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dturtle%2Band%2Bhare%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1