Freedom to be ones self is one of the greatest gifts in life.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
The return of randomness
Happy Chinese New Year!
Enjoy the Superbowl matchup!
- Am back home after a lil jaunt across a few states and as luck would have it, I got back in time for the Chi blizzard. Lots and lots of snow == snow days, snow angels and snow fights. My inner child had way too much fun out there.
- Lots going on in the world no? Protests against governments abound, Cyclones in Australia, the murder of the LGBT actvist in Uganda, Snowpocalypse and all sorts of other hot messes. What in all tarnations is the world coming to?
- For Grey's Anatomy fans, how did you like last night's Calzona moments? In the name of full disclosure I should probably mention that I watched only the Calzona scenes on YT this morning. My fave was the first ultrasound scene which yielded gems such as as "Lesbian lover, baby daddy" when Callie was explaining who Sloan and Arizona were and "Sing it" when Arizona was responding to the doctor's orders of no sex. I am seeing a super shitstorm on approach for Calzona.
- Ever so slowly things are changing in my life. My months without full time employment have been put to fairly good use. Lots of on the job training in disaster response tech... you either sink or swim and sinking is not an option for me.
- Random conversation excerpt - Her: So what languages do you speak? Me: English. H: Yea but you are not from here so what else do you speak? Me [with a straight face]: American. H: Huh? For real? - Why people are thrown by that answer is beyond me. I contend that if Cockney and Ebonics are considered different, then British English and American English should get the same status.
Enjoy the Superbowl matchup!