Thursday, February 21, 2008

The writings on the wall

Second post is entitled 'The writings on the wall' and you will have to forgive the use of stereotypes but they are useful in getting the point across. When people who've know me for many years find out that I'm into women, they act all surprised so I thought why not point out the obvious...

How did you miss the the writings on the wall?
  • Flannel Shirts way back when though I've since gotten rid of them.
  • Short hair way back when though I've since upgraded
  • Baggy pants
  • From age 9 I bought my clothes out of the boys section
  • Skirts? when did you last see me in one and I know you've got to think hard about this one.
  • The expression don't hold your breath lest you suffocate while waiting for me to get a man was not told in jest.
Just had to throw in something light before I started on the heavier stuff. Yes I hate the stereotypes by they usually help those of us with lesser gaydar abilities.

Teach Tolerance!


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