Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jenn & Dee's VLog & my take on their word of the week

Here's their weekly installment. hilarious as always. If you enjoy it go on over to and leave then some feedback. Their word for the day was Fish.

Now that got me to thinking. Do you remember the words that were used to refer to the people that your friends were seeing. As I recall ... I'm southern African in case you were wondering ... I remember my mates referring to their girlfriends as the fish that they had caught. Makes you think about fishing expeditions doesn't it? You hit the club and cast that lure into the masses and see which fish nibbles. From then on it's a matter of reeling her in, and much like fishing, you can't pull one in in one shot, u gotta pull then let go a lil then reel in some more then let the fish out again. Some of my mates were such expert fishermen, that the women began to avoid then.

This in my opinion was only half a step up from the Neanderthal method, of club the woman and take her home. This is where I heard some of the cheesiest line that I swore I would never use as a self respecting woman. The fact that they worked at the time still baffles me. I'm glad that we are slowly returning to hello being the pick-up line of choice.

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