Friday, March 28, 2008

Jenn and Dee's random vlog

The ladies have returned with a vlog about absolutely nothing. I enjoy watching these ladies as it's more like listening to a conversation that your friends are having. Jenn breaking out the P.P.E ... hilarious. Reminds me of when I used to work in manufacturing ... and the time that we were volunteering in New Orleans. I have a great dislike for those Tyvek suits that we were required to wear. I understand dorning those in winter, but in 90 degree heat, a personal sauna is not on the top of the list.

Anyway enjoy this week's installment. BTW they shout out Lovers and Friends Show which I love. Tori get an amen and a double preach for her hotness. Don't forget to check out the slang phrase of the week. Thanks to the ladies for vlogging it down.


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