Sunday, April 13, 2008

Aging Gracefully .... NOT ... Happy Birthday to Me

A few days ago, I celebrated my birthday and it's been a fun ride of celebrations and stresses since.

Highlight of my weekend: my friend came up for the weekend making the birthday that much more special. We attended the Race Sex and Power conference and did I mention that she threw down in the kitchen. Fabulous! Friday night we went to a Poetry night that was part of the conference and I got to meet Gloria Bigelow and THE Stacyann Chin. I freakin love these women. In case you are wondering who they are, watch the U-People vlog postings that I have in this blog or go to U-People and watch Stacyann and Gloria. Stacyann is a renowned poet who tells it like it is. She is originally from Jamaica and is now based in Brooklyn. Getting a photo taken with her was awesome. Thanks K for the camera! I'll put the pics up sometime. Another mate came up as well so we had the 3 amigas at the conference. Dinner was after and we polished off a bottle of Makulu Chardonnay from South Africa. Well maybe I had half the bottle but that was one of the best chardonnays that I've ever had.

Day two of the conference I was scheduled to volunteer in the morning. Had a blast meeting attendees. Spent half the volunteer time complimenting the passers-by on their fab clothes, shoes, purses or jewelery. I had lunch with one of the presenters and K and had an interesting incident take place. I go to the john and the lady in there heads out. I get out of john and I swear half the kitchen staff was in the hallway. The manager finally points out that the men's john is on the other side not the one that I used. How do you respond to that? For those who don't know me personally, I do blur a few gender lines. Well maybe I outright erase a few. I don't think the staff there has ever encountered that many LGBT persons at any one time. Anyway it was a fabulous lunch.

The afternoon presentations were quite informative and at the end of the day, there was a reception. Met some interesting ladies and just had a good time all around. We even made time to do the cupid shuffle after a glass or two of wine. And I'm talking people were getting down doing the shuffle. After 10 the party moved to Stargaze in Andersonville.
I've gotta go on record and say thanks to K for an interesting weekend. You were right, you gotta do 25 right.

Much love,


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