I use to hang out wit my (boo-boo), chill out wit my (boo-boo)
She use to be my (boo-boo) oh my
And she would call me (boo-boo), and I would call her (boo-boo)
But no she ain't my (boo-boo) oh my
Some how we've grown apart, and I can't seem to find your place in my heart
Don't wanna say we finished, wanna go back to the start
But it's hard, and I just seen you wit another girl but i...
I ain't even trippin' (trippin'), I aint even mad at ya
And I ain't even trippin' (trippin'), I aint even mad
I ain't even trippin' (trippin'), I aint even mad at ya
And I ain't even trippin' (trippin'), I aint even mad
Cuz me and you been over, which means that I been over
You, you, you
extracted and modified from Cherish 'I ain't trippin' 2008
so maybe the day's ending was a lil rough which is why i felt the need to put this song up. Overall i had a fabulous day. I saw Stevie Wonder perform live at Taste of Chicago and nothing can top that. I'll be telling my grandkids that I saw him with my own two eyes when my age catches up with me and i need binoculars to read a book. Had a nice dinner with friends and was quite relaxed when it was all said and done. Jus had one minor snafu later. O well pride parade tomorrow ... looking forward to that.
Take care of yourselves,
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
half penny post
The days are definitely longer and I'm beginning to feel summer in the air. The weather is beautiful and I'm wishing I could spend more time outdoors at the lake.
On the flip side my body is whining at me as my allergies are causing my system to work overtime. I've been going easy on the anti-histamines and taking them only when I'm clawing at me eyes or break out in hives.
Glo had a post (see No 'Ordinary Pain' below) on what happens to all those lovey dovey songs on your ipod after you break up with your girlfriend. I keep playing them. I try to avoid having any one song that has the dubious title of 'our song'.
Music is an essential part of my life. It's like free therapy at times. I usually have something playing in the background at all times. You can tell my mood by what I'm playing ...
Suggested Reading (Optional):
If I Ever Fall in Love Again… - Staceyann Chin. She discusses what she wants in a woman and I might have borrow some of the items on the list.
No 'Ordinary Pain' — Gloria Bigelow. What do you do with all those songs that remind you of your ex in your playlist?
On the flip side my body is whining at me as my allergies are causing my system to work overtime. I've been going easy on the anti-histamines and taking them only when I'm clawing at me eyes or break out in hives.
Glo had a post (see No 'Ordinary Pain' below) on what happens to all those lovey dovey songs on your ipod after you break up with your girlfriend. I keep playing them. I try to avoid having any one song that has the dubious title of 'our song'.
Music is an essential part of my life. It's like free therapy at times. I usually have something playing in the background at all times. You can tell my mood by what I'm playing ...
- 'I'm for you' by Toby Mac or 'What you want' by Canton Jones and I'm working on getting rid of excess energy. These are head bangin' rock tracks.
- Kirk Franklin or Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir and I'm getting my spiritual side going.
- 'Inhlopeko' by Nhlanhla Nciza usually means I'm really struggling with something.
- 'Uthando Lwami' (My Love), 'Udum' ikiss kiss', 'Nguwe Wedwa' (Only You), 'Superhuman', 'Umyeni Wakhe' (Her mate) and I'm just love jonesing.
- Got a few club beats that I drop when I need an energy boost.
- Other Zimba or South African songs mean I'm in a party mood.
Suggested Reading (Optional):
If I Ever Fall in Love Again… - Staceyann Chin. She discusses what she wants in a woman and I might have borrow some of the items on the list.
No 'Ordinary Pain' — Gloria Bigelow. What do you do with all those songs that remind you of your ex in your playlist?
U People Episode 33: "Fashionably Late"
The U people story in this episode is one worth tuning into. I'm not going to tell you at which time mark it begins because I don't want you to miss some of the performance clips that are included in the episode.
Cherry Bomb 5
Yet another Cherry Bomb episode. The women discuss deal breakers and what to do about that girlfriend that might not be exercising all her options in the job hunt (she's just plain slacking).
The ep got me thinking about what my deal breakers are and I think smoking is at the top of the list: herbal or regular. The smell permeates everything and that bothers me to no end.
The ep got me thinking about what my deal breakers are and I think smoking is at the top of the list: herbal or regular. The smell permeates everything and that bothers me to no end.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Of life and women: Clueless
Yet another week has begun. I spent most of my weekend travelling and having a gay ol' time. I got to take a nap in the shade of the St Louis arch so that's one thing to take off of my to do list. Hit the city up with several lads and a lass. If you are ever down there you ought to check out the Venice Cafe. Their jerk chicken is to die for and we all know a lil char on the chicken goes a long way. The recipe is similar to that of Nando's lemon and herb chicken. Speaking of Nando's they are finally in the US!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! I have been craving some Nando's peri-peri chicken for the longest time. I'm having my sister bring me some the next time she comes up as she has one in her town.
Why do women have to be so complicated? I am a woman and you'd think I'd at least have a leg up over some of the guys that I hang out with when it comes to understanding them. I recently discovered that I am as clueless as the blokes. I need to start a support group for all the clueless... it's gotta have a catchy name so suggestions are welcome. I'm calling it Clueless up until someone gives me a better name. The first meeting of Clueless has officially began ... let us introduce ourselves:
I have a friend who recently asked me what it is that two women do together. I about killed myself choking on my drink. If it was a bloke I'd have read him the riot act and then changed the subject but this time I had to seriously consider the question. My friend is ridiculously shy and the fact that she asked meant that she'd been thinking about it for a while. I decided to give her the PG-13 abbreviated explanation which led to more questions and my needing another drink. All in all quite an interesting conversation.
Time permitting check out the following:
Without wicker or spilled milk by Glo Bigleow whereby she recounts some of the events leading up to her first sexual experience. Had to laugh out loud at some of the content in the blog post.
Addend: Check out the insightful comment that was posted by EvolvingContradiction7
Why do women have to be so complicated? I am a woman and you'd think I'd at least have a leg up over some of the guys that I hang out with when it comes to understanding them. I recently discovered that I am as clueless as the blokes. I need to start a support group for all the clueless... it's gotta have a catchy name so suggestions are welcome. I'm calling it Clueless up until someone gives me a better name. The first meeting of Clueless has officially began ... let us introduce ourselves:
Ty: Hi, my name is Ty and I'm clueless.In case you are wondering why I have [insert example here] I'm avoiding spilling some unnecessary tea. I'm not going to put someone else's business on this blog without their permission.
Gp: Hi, Ty.
Ty: I like this lass and I'm having a hell of a time reconciling cultural differences. I am Southern African and am fairly well versed in cultural norms, actions and such, but I'm clueless when it comes to her culture. [insert example here]. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I have a friend who recently asked me what it is that two women do together. I about killed myself choking on my drink. If it was a bloke I'd have read him the riot act and then changed the subject but this time I had to seriously consider the question. My friend is ridiculously shy and the fact that she asked meant that she'd been thinking about it for a while. I decided to give her the PG-13 abbreviated explanation which led to more questions and my needing another drink. All in all quite an interesting conversation.
Time permitting check out the following:
Without wicker or spilled milk by Glo Bigleow whereby she recounts some of the events leading up to her first sexual experience. Had to laugh out loud at some of the content in the blog post.
Addend: Check out the insightful comment that was posted by EvolvingContradiction7
Friday, June 20, 2008
Cherry Bomb: Gender Roles
Cherry Bomb yet again. Interesting discussion on how to handle a closeted girlfriend, pillow princesses and stone butches and gender roles.
Quote of the vlog
Quote of the vlog
Let me tell you what I don't do, windows or straight girls- Gloria Bigelow
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Black Gyrl Searching for the Womyn in Her
When you get a chance click on over to Black Gyrl Searching for the Womyn in Her. I can actually relate to what she writes about which is why I'm pimping the blog.
Of digging implements and nieces and nephews
Suddenly it's Thursday and i find myself trying to take stock of my week. What have I done that is of note ... jack! Well maybe homework and work and a couple of gym sessions. O and I did an upgrade to my efficiency user interface. Wat the hell is that you are wondering ... it's iGoogle stripped down and personalized.
I still need to find my ethnic beauty for the week ... darn. With so many eligible women to pick from why is it so hard to do.
I'm about to become an aunt yet again ... no NOT through my sister. My cousin is expecting a lil one with his girlfriend of several months. I got the news this morning & it was more effective than a strong up of coffee. Had to call my mama to get the details and boy did I get them. This coming weekend he is going to be meeting her family (uyavelela) and getting a price quote (lobola + damages) for the marriage. My 2 cents in this situation is that he should have not mentioned that she was pregnant. The price quote would have been much lower.
I recently got introduced to the Kubatana Blog. They focus on women's issues in Zimbabwe and the article that I have linked to is entitled 'Lessons from a failed state'. The author is recounting how she filled in a hole that was left by the city council when a pipe burst.
If you are Zimba you will definitely appreciate the write-up. For those who don't know what a pick is see attached image. The zimba one is full size as in take a shovel and put a head at the end. Pick has both sides sharp as opposed to one blunt and one sharp. You need to put some back into it if you plan to swing it with enough force to make progress while diggin.
I still need to find my ethnic beauty for the week ... darn. With so many eligible women to pick from why is it so hard to do.
I'm about to become an aunt yet again ... no NOT through my sister. My cousin is expecting a lil one with his girlfriend of several months. I got the news this morning & it was more effective than a strong up of coffee. Had to call my mama to get the details and boy did I get them. This coming weekend he is going to be meeting her family (uyavelela) and getting a price quote (lobola + damages) for the marriage. My 2 cents in this situation is that he should have not mentioned that she was pregnant. The price quote would have been much lower.
I recently got introduced to the Kubatana Blog. They focus on women's issues in Zimbabwe and the article that I have linked to is entitled 'Lessons from a failed state'. The author is recounting how she filled in a hole that was left by the city council when a pipe burst.
extracted from http://kubatanablogs.net/kubatana/?p=643Be comfortable with the tools you use: But the pick, which I lifted in the garage at home before I headed for the pit, was much heavier than the spade I ended up using. If the site of the crazy white girl chipping away at a crusted mound of dirt was entertaining, the site of me straining to lift the pick onto it would have been sheer hilarity. My spade might have taken a while. But at least it wasn’t more than I could handle. Besides. Not having a pick gave a lot of passers-by the opportunity to give me some advice: “Use a pick,” rather than having to offer to help.
If you are Zimba you will definitely appreciate the write-up. For those who don't know what a pick is see attached image. The zimba one is full size as in take a shovel and put a head at the end. Pick has both sides sharp as opposed to one blunt and one sharp. You need to put some back into it if you plan to swing it with enough force to make progress while diggin.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Cherry Bomb
I mentioned the Cherry Bomb Vlog yesterday so here is the installment from last week. Before we get to it, we do have to give dishonorable mention to the train wreck that is Gimme Sugar. Whoever coined the term reality tv should be strung up by his bootstraps or her Manolo Blahnik straps. There is no such thing and Gimme Sugar is the prime example of what scripting will make "reality" look like. For those who don't have Logo, be eternally grateful but if you do wish to watch it for yourself, check it out here. Now back to the regularly scheduled programming:
Monday, June 16, 2008
half penny post
Tis been a hot minute since I posted on here so I thought I'd better get back into the groove. This vlog is free therapy :P. Quarter ended last week and a new one starts up today. It's promising to be an intense Summer quarter.
So wat's Ty been up to ... a bit o this and a bit o that with a healthy dose of drama thrown in. High school drama ain't got jack on me right now. Ihate greatly dislike women right now. Too much thought and ass kissing required. Dee from the Come with me vlogs gave the best demonstration of what I felt happened. I'll have to find the clip and attach it to this post.
Classes were kick ass. I survived and that's all we're going to say about it. This past weekend was graduation for the blue demons ... can you say way too many graduates not enough snacks in the world. At least the commencement speaker was succinct. The student speaker maybe not so much. For all you aspiring speech writers, tis 5 minutes max. After that we are taking john breaks or breaking out the snacks that are hidden in the sleeves of those graduate gowns. Anyway I digress, as I was saying, commerce and business departments graduated a couple o hundred students which meant the thing went on too long. They really need to come up with an alternate method of graduating this many ... might I suggest the system that ORU uses. They have 2 lines simultaneously picking up diplomas so there is less of a pause between names.
Anyway didn't stay for the whole thing... hit up late lunch with mates... fabulous Malay cuisine. Watched soccer while mingling ... what beats food and soccer simultaneously? nuthing ... well maybe one or two things which we shall not go into.
Hung out for the rest of the day with the boys and a chica who's the reason why I'm chafing a tad bit.
My mate K was a great sport for putting up with me all weekend. Love her to bits and will miss her when she heads out west. The fact that she gives as good as she gets is probably the reason why I appreciate having her in my life. She takes no crap from me. And since I know you are liable to read the post .... DON'T GET A BIG HEAD!!!!
Just had to get this post out of my system. Life's otherwise good. We'll be back posting regular vlogs and random content later this week. Be on the lookout for Cherry Bomb which is my new obsession (The come with me ladies are on Summer Break).
Have a good week y'all.
So wat's Ty been up to ... a bit o this and a bit o that with a healthy dose of drama thrown in. High school drama ain't got jack on me right now. I
Classes were kick ass. I survived and that's all we're going to say about it. This past weekend was graduation for the blue demons ... can you say way too many graduates not enough snacks in the world. At least the commencement speaker was succinct. The student speaker maybe not so much. For all you aspiring speech writers, tis 5 minutes max. After that we are taking john breaks or breaking out the snacks that are hidden in the sleeves of those graduate gowns. Anyway I digress, as I was saying, commerce and business departments graduated a couple o hundred students which meant the thing went on too long. They really need to come up with an alternate method of graduating this many ... might I suggest the system that ORU uses. They have 2 lines simultaneously picking up diplomas so there is less of a pause between names.
Anyway didn't stay for the whole thing... hit up late lunch with mates... fabulous Malay cuisine. Watched soccer while mingling ... what beats food and soccer simultaneously? nuthing ... well maybe one or two things which we shall not go into.
Hung out for the rest of the day with the boys and a chica who's the reason why I'm chafing a tad bit.
My mate K was a great sport for putting up with me all weekend. Love her to bits and will miss her when she heads out west. The fact that she gives as good as she gets is probably the reason why I appreciate having her in my life. She takes no crap from me. And since I know you are liable to read the post .... DON'T GET A BIG HEAD!!!!
Just had to get this post out of my system. Life's otherwise good. We'll be back posting regular vlogs and random content later this week. Be on the lookout for Cherry Bomb which is my new obsession (The come with me ladies are on Summer Break).
Have a good week y'all.