Monday, June 16, 2008

half penny post

Tis been a hot minute since I posted on here so I thought I'd better get back into the groove. This vlog is free therapy :P. Quarter ended last week and a new one starts up today. It's promising to be an intense Summer quarter.

So wat's Ty been up to ... a bit o this and a bit o that with a healthy dose of drama thrown in. High school drama ain't got jack on me right now. I hate greatly dislike women right now. Too much thought and ass kissing required. Dee from the Come with me vlogs gave the best demonstration of what I felt happened. I'll have to find the clip and attach it to this post.

Classes were kick ass. I survived and that's all we're going to say about it. This past weekend was graduation for the blue demons ... can you say way too many graduates not enough snacks in the world. At least the commencement speaker was succinct. The student speaker maybe not so much. For all you aspiring speech writers, tis 5 minutes max. After that we are taking john breaks or breaking out the snacks that are hidden in the sleeves of those graduate gowns. Anyway I digress, as I was saying, commerce and business departments graduated a couple o hundred students which meant the thing went on too long. They really need to come up with an alternate method of graduating this many ... might I suggest the system that ORU uses. They have 2 lines simultaneously picking up diplomas so there is less of a pause between names.

Anyway didn't stay for the whole thing... hit up late lunch with mates... fabulous Malay cuisine. Watched soccer while mingling ... what beats food and soccer simultaneously? nuthing ... well maybe one or two things which we shall not go into.
Hung out for the rest of the day with the boys and a chica who's the reason why I'm chafing a tad bit.

My mate K was a great sport for putting up with me all weekend. Love her to bits and will miss her when she heads out west. The fact that she gives as good as she gets is probably the reason why I appreciate having her in my life. She takes no crap from me. And since I know you are liable to read the post .... DON'T GET A BIG HEAD!!!!

Just had to get this post out of my system. Life's otherwise good. We'll be back posting regular vlogs and random content later this week. Be on the lookout for Cherry Bomb which is my new obsession (The come with me ladies are on Summer Break).
Have a good week y'all.


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