Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I came across black.womyn.:conversations by Tiona McClodden back when it was still in production. I am yet to see the full movie and am hoping that it along with U People can come to Chicago some time. 'The is a feature length documentary on black lesbians living in features almost 50 black lesbian interviews..with a wide range of age, locations, and subjects...'. If it makes it to a city near you please go out and support it. It's black lesbians telling their stories and showing that what we go through today, someone's gone through it already and come out on the other side. In my humble opinion, we have it a lot easier than the lesbians of yore. In the US I most certainly have it easier than the lesbians of my country, especially those on the butcher side of the spectrum. Anyway enjoy the excerpt and support the documentary. The have myspace, blogspot and facebook.
Tiona writes
though the subject is broad I am attempting to present a well rounded view of the black lesbian experience as it relates to living in this world, nation, city, home, an out black lesbian myself it was important that I present an image for others to see that we are all not the same..and we walk this life in many ways other than being confined in our sexuality..we are artist, mothers, students, sisters, friends, lovers, as well as many other things..this is my first personal feature length project and out of everything that I have done it is by far the most important of any project that I have ever done...and more importantly i feel that the "film/tv/art world" must be "flooded" by several images of who we are as black lesbian women!!!

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