Tis the 4th of July so Happy Independence Day. And who can complain about a day off and a long weekend to boot. I'll probably hang out with my mates and see what antics we can get up to. Half the weekend is dedicated to homework ... the bane of my existence.
I try to avoid political commentary but I need to get this out of my system and now is as good a time as any. For those who've been wondering about my nationality, I'm Zimbabwean. Born and raised zimba ... well mostly raised. I've spent time in several countries in between. Anyway we had elections recently and it's been interesting reading the news commentaries. There are those who praise and there are those who condemn the results.
A good many people around me don't know I'm zimba but they do know I'm African. I've even suprised a zimba or two because my accent doesn't hint at zimba.
But I've digressed ... back to the elections. The results for the elections were a given .. seriously we have one candidate running, who else can win. Anyway the reason for my writing this was that I was happy to hear Nelson Mandela finally speak on the situation. He was very tactful in his chastisement but it got the point across. I quote "Nearer to home, we had seen the outbreak of violence against fellow Africans in our own country and the tragic failure of leadership in our neighboring Zimbabwe." It was quite a heartening remark. Kenyan and Tswana leaders have also made similar remarks. I am hoping that this will open up dialog in the region so that peace can be restored in my homeland.
K enough of the heavy stuff ...
You Know You're A Zimbo If...
You miss the smell of rain on a hot, tar road...
You horrify people by eating raw, dried meat (biltong)...
You sang rude or witty words instead of the originals to hymns in school assemblies...
You think the "All Blacks" are the Zimbabwe Tennis Team...
I'll post the rest later. off to the beach ... have a safe holiday.
BTW if anyone knows where I can find the song 'phola madisa (sizolalaphi)' let me know PLEASE!. I've searched high and low and can't find it. Actually 'reversa jive' would also be nice to have.
i hope peace comes soon