Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Half Penny post: 100 and counting

100Posts! Thanks to all who stop by often and to those who keep discovering this blog. I honestly never thought I'd be writing my 100th post.

I started this blog as self prescribed therapy. I needed to put my thoughts down somewhere. I also wanted to put down my life experiences because when I was coming out, it was hard to find blogs by other glbt Africans. Granted my experiences are a lil out of the ordinary, but I hope that the gist of the posts will help someone. I am still working things out and do appreciate the feedback that I get from the readers. You have given me comfort and strength and a sense of community.

In response to a question that I was asked a while back but never came around to responding to, my name Ty is derived from my first name (Taie - If you are Southern African you can guess what the full name is).

As a side note (more of a tale really), I had to take my profile down a month or 2 ago because we were required to create a project blog for one of my classes. Along with the personal project blog, we had to contribute to the common class blog as well. Now being the genius that I am, I never thought to create an extra email account so that I could keep the worlds separate. I was merely thinking convinience, I can follow all blogs in one place:). After my first post I realized that my classmates could click on my name and see my other blogs ... not cool. So up until Thanksgiving, my profile will continue to be hidden, after which I will put it back up.

Any questions that you might have for me can be dropped in the comment section.

Love & Peace

The Queer African Ty

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