Monday, November 17, 2008

Prop 8 rallies

Over the weekend there were rallies all over the country and I go a chance to attend the Chicago rally. Very cold weather I must say. A few photos are below. I have read several blogs on the Chicago rally and one of my top write ups is by eternally_evolving on OurChart. If you have an account hop on over and read it for yourself. I'm not linking to the post directly as I don't have her permission to do so.
Wanda Sykes also came out during the weekend... yay! Congratulations to her and her wife.
These are my favorite clips of her on youtube right now.

1 comment:

  1. aw. wish i could have been at one of the rallies. too bad we have to have them, but great that people are getting out there. if you go on you can see one of my favorite cartoons on the whole issue. if only people who are so staunchly opposed to equality could replace their fear and hatred with indifference.
