Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Half penny post: On the runway again

Happy holidays to everybody! I hope you all get some quality time with your families.

I blog today from my humble seat in the Reagan National Airport in DC (Sheena, you know me too well). I have been out here since Monday well more of Tuesday. I detoured and stopped by Philly in the name of an original Philly Cheese Steak :). When I can get off standby I shall be on my merry way to New Orleans. I have not been back to see the city since we went to help with the clean up a few years back so it shall be nice to see the changes that have taken place.

This is going to be the first Christmas that I've spent alone. I am usually with my sister or friends. It struck me this afternoon and I almost burst into tears in the middle of the mall. I had gone in search of a travel bag as my current bag is on its last shoulder straps. Mall visit: Can you say ants in an anthill. It was simultaneously exciting and downright scary. Hopefully N.O. will be just what the doctor ordered.

As I will be on the road, I can't have the traditional Christmas feast. In lieu, I am having the famous Nandos Peri Peri Chicken. I picked some up on my way to the airport. The host at Nandos and I are now well acquainted so shoutout to Toni. I walked in with my bag and the first thing he said to me was "You're flying out and leaving me again aren't you?" I had to laugh. He really is a sweetheart.

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