Friday, January 23, 2009

Half penny post: Bounds and Leaps


Tis friday and thus the day for my run down:
  • Thanks for the comments. To answer questions- Tis true the anticipation of the weekend is why I love Thursdays. I spent soo much time in South Africa while growing up, I might as well have applied for permanent residency.
  • Today was a beautiful day. If I could have given it a theme song it would have been "Swagger Like Us". My swagger was on point.
  • This week, while insane and wrought with ups and downs, was marginally better than the previous week. I've almost got a handle on my weekly schedule and am slowly ramping up the number of activities.
  • I realized something this afternoon - as I am trying to find a job, I really have no business getting myself into a relationship. Depending on where I end up employed, I could be across town or halfway around the world. Someone I know recently relocated across the pond to be with her beau. I'm thinking this might not be an option considering the laws against homosexuality that are in place in many countries.
  • I have yet another niece (born on Tuesday) by my cousin Leviticus. Levi was nicknamed thus due to her piety. The clan on my mother's side is growing by leaps and bounds.
  • My ma's paperwork has hit a snag and it'll be another 6 weeks according to the consulate. This is really going to depress my mum. We've now got to plan for the next 6 weeks to make sure that she has groceries and all other necessities.
  • On a lighter note, have you seen the new Durex ad? Check it out here.
  • Cherry bomb is back. First topic of the year is serial monogamy.
  • Jenn & Dee are also back with their recap of TLW.

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