Monday, January 5, 2009

Music: Mine Roots

Playlist 4 Beats from the motherland. Stuff that I grew up listening to. It's a mixed bag. Songs are:
  1. National anthem from a concert in Zimbabwe in early 90s I do believe. I was there for this one and remember being on my father's shoulders watching - tells you how old I am)
  2. Yvonne Chaka - Umqombothi (traditional brew song from way back when I was still in daipers)
  3. Platform 1 - Womyakazisa (again an old school group with song popular at weddings - Title talks about bride's duties)
  4. Makhendlas - Iminwe (party song from the late Makhedlas, fingers in the air)
  5. Oliver Mutkudzi - Tururu (Zim legend Tuku sings about how the king's son is important here but a servant in another village)

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