Friday, February 20, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

Tis Friday.... hugs all around. Tis the weekend of Mardi Gras parties. I have a cold and think I'll be home recouperating. This has got to be the oddest cold I've ever had. It's all in my head and my inner ear hurts like the dickens.
With that said here comes the rundown:
  • Happy 1st anniversary to The Queer African. It's hard to believe we've been at it for a year.
  • My vision board is beginning to take shape nicely. I'm putting up things that I want to attract into my life.
  • Work's getting into high gear. Got a website migration coming up and that will be fun.
  • School's putting metatarsal to posterior but I shall prevail. Got 3 papers due this coming week and 2 group presentations.
  • I'm appreciating being queer more and more each day. On AE there is are two threads in the forums on queer africans. If you are queer and African stop by and contribute. They are here and here.
  • I'm an avid follower of the Kubatana blogs and they have been giving a running commentary on the situation in Zimbabwe. Two of my favorites this week are 'One cannot push an immobile bus from inside' and 'Where are the women'. The article 'Fight for a fresh elections' is also worth a read and features my favorite line "If the engine is defective, the car can never move."
  • A new episode of Cherry Bomb is up. The title is Truth or Truth and it is probably my favorite episode thus far. Glo's facial expressions were hilarious. As I mentioned in my comment on the episode itself, I wonder if Glo and Nikki are together. They are awfully chummy / close and Nikki kept looking at her during some of the more intimate questions. One of the questions was would you give up sex and masturbation for 6 million dollars. I had to give some thought to this one. I think on a separate post I'm going to answer some of the questions. We'll see.
  • BTW anyone ever played a game of Truth or Strip. If not you've got to give it a try. It makes for an interesting night if things are slow with you and your boo.
Have a good weekend!


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