Thursday, April 30, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

Two weeks worth of posting so let's get to it:
  • Happy Friday. May is upon us finally. Hopefully that warmer weather will decend upon the Chi.
  • I had a very good job interview this week, and I'm talking one of my best. Everything was on point and I felt no pressure at all. The recruiter and I spoke later and she told me that while I was one of her top candidates, I could not continue as I was not a US Citizen. I've gotten so used to hearing it now it no longer phases me. I've jus gotta keep going.
  • I had a fun evening at Google Chicago. I love their event space. Lots of windows with killer views of the Chi. We had several lightning talks that gave us a quick glimpse into what the Summer of Code interns are going to be working on.
  • A friend of mine successfully defended her disertation and is officially a Dr. I am beyond ecstatic about it. I think I mentioned helping her to compile the final draft of the thesis. Next week we get to see her graduate .... yihaaaaaaaaaaaa.
  • My best mate was in town last week. I got to hang out with her for a bit and I miss her that much more after seeing her. I can't wait to head out west to see her again.
  • It's been a harrowing 2 weeks. I was hoping this week would be better than the last but that hope went to hell in a hand basket. If it's not one thing its another. I'm pretty much running on a reserve tank while trying to keep everyone else in the family motivated to not lose hope. I do sometimes hate being handed the family mantle and being told their yours now. I am more certain than ever that I want to have kids only when I can take care of them. To a great extent it sucks not having someone to share the burden with. I hate calling up friends to discuss what's going on because I know with several of them there is a lot more going on in their lives than in mine.
  • My ma's paperwork is truely fucked up at this point. She might not make it up for graduation which is a bummer.
  • Have you ever walked away from a situation and decided to get a clean break and later it comes back into you life? I'm still trying to figure out what things are now different. Do I want the roller coaster ride that prevailed at the time? I am really hoping that I'll be able to keep my space and quasi peace intact. First sign of the roller coaster I'm walking and cutting all lines of communication ... that's my resolution.
  • I am all types of stressed and will admit it. The time away helped to relax me some but getting back here and not having enough free time to destress is not helping things.
  • Have a great weekend and don't forget to vote on AfterEllen for the best kiss.

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