Saturday, May 30, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

Post 200! We have 2 weeks worth of catching up so here we go:
I made it back from AZ in one piece. Primary complaint was the airport as always. Why don't people stay home? It was 3.5 hour flight and all I did was read and do homework. Upshot was the flight attendants who were sitting in the back and keeping us company. O and the lady in the seat right behind me ... she had one sexy accent.As to why I was in AZ to begin with? My friend recently took a job with borderlinks. She is very involved in immigrant and peace and justice initiatives. She is also one of the coolest pastors ever. If I didn't know that she was one, I'd never guess.
On the job front I've interviewed and done 2nd round and this week's reason for not getting the job was I'm over qualified. Last week it was my inability to work indefinitely without work visa sponsorship.
A friend of mine got engaged last week and a mutual friend threw a lil dinner party together last night to celebrate and jus hang out. I had too much wine and "staggered" home at some ungodly hour after detouring through Boystown to walk the alcohol out of my system. Woke up today fresh as a daisy... no hangover. There has got to be something in the clan genes because to date I can drink myself blind and wake up with no side effects.
This year I seem to have been hit by several rounds of allergies. My body is in mutiny mode. I have been sorely tempted to start using Benadryl again.
I've been working on revamping a part of my website and I need to give a hand to graphic designers. There is a hell of a lot of work to do.
I'm still not sure if my mom is going to make my graduation. She is going to the British High Comm on Monday morning to find out about her passport. If it's not yet ready, we are just getting her a new one and taking it from there.
My nephew turns seven this week and I'm beginning to feel old. What do you get a seven year old for a gift anyway?
Graduation ceremony is 2 weekends away!
Yes it's a short rundown. I have 4 papers + 2 term papers waiting on me.

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