Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Random Post: Nicole Chamoun is hot

I recently discovered an '07 Aussie tv show called Kick. Its a romantic comedy that I enjoyed watching as it had love, laughs, friendship, fighting, families and football. While watching it I was introduced to Nicole Chamoun who I swear is HOT!!! Her facial expressions are priceless. She has this thing that she does with her eyebrows that is like a dare of sorts. With that expression she can do me any day. You have also got to get a load of her eyes. They are a greenish brown that is like DAMN God was good to you. Yes I have a thing for eyes. Courtesy of her myspace, all we know is she's 25. It's hard to find photos of the woman but Google came through for me and here she is. Further below is a Youtube vid of her in Kick. Look at #7 and #1 around 9:19 for her facial expressions.

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