I came across a new blog Queer(ing) African and I thought I'd share it. The blog kicked off beginning of this month and thus far I've enjoyed the posts. If you ever come across any blogs by queer Africans do please send them my way. I'd be more than happy to give them a shout out.
An excerpt from her blog:
So a little about myself. As my blog name suggests, I’m a queer (for lack of a better word), continental African living in what we now call the Northern Hemisphere but what the Indigenous people originally called Turtle Island, in an active process of decolonizing my mind and my way of life. I’m interested in reflecting on all aspects of my life – black, queer, masculine-presenting, continental African, woman, and in an interracial relationship which means being brutally open and honest about myself. I’m also interested in questioning terms like ‘African’, ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ and really critiquing the investment in such terms. For example if I don’t identify as ‘feminine’ or ‘trans’ can I only then consider myself ‘masculine’ and why isn’t there another category which describes me? Why do we put ourselves into these little narrow boxes that we can’t get ourselves out of? One would say, ‘well, it’s unfortunate that we don’t live in a label-free world’ but I would say, why don’t we create that world? Is it so impossible?Enjoy!
Thanks, makes me think about those labels too. I just say be whoever you choose to be, so sad to live another person's ideal of life.