- Chi pride is this weekend. I'll post somn on Sunday evening after the parade. With luck I'll get to do one thing that I've been seriously considering doing. I'll post whether or not I succeed.
- Did I mention that it is hot! I'm practically 3 shades darker now.
- All in all a good week. I spent a good deal of my time researching Emergency Management certification. To get into my chosen field of Continuity Planning I'll need some sort of certification in EM and CP. I have the second half of the summer free so I'll be going through the FEMA online classes.
- Tis been a sad week as Michael Jackson has passed on. Farrah Fawcett also passed on yesterday so t'was a two 'fer in a very sad way. An era has thus ended. O and Ed McMahon passed on as well. Now it bears mentioning that I met him in 2005 during graduation as he was he the speaker. And I do mean met as in I shook his hand and said hello.
- At times I'm certain of where I'm going at times I'm not. At times I just am, neither moving nor standing still. This is one of those times.
- In additional entertainment news, don't forget to watch the Lovers and Friends Show, part II has been posted.
- Please vote for Dee Rees' Pariah on NetFlicks. Alix has a post on it along with some clips from the movie. Please please please VOTE for it!
“Pariah” seeks to personalize the struggles of gay/lesbian youth of color in such a way that evokes empathy, opens doors to communication, and promotes dialogue within families. The mission is to help gay and lesbian youth to understand that it’s okay to be themselves. The film also seeks to convince parents who are not accepting of their children’s sexual orientation that pressuring their child into a particular mode of behavior is unhealthy and is damaging to both the child’s psyche and to the parent/child relationship.
- Anyway I'm randy as hell and we are talking jump into a cold lake randy... one of the side effects of summer.
Enjoy the weekend!
I completely agree with you at times I'm not certain what direction I am going in or if I am just staying still. Have a wonderful weekend and a good time at pride!