Friday, November 6, 2009

Weekly Rundown

Woza Friday!
We're another week closer to the end of the quarter. Aaaahhhh. Finals assignments and finals are now in vogue. Hyperventillation ... aisle 3. Lack of sleep aisle 4. Winter clothing aisle 5.
  • We have a Social Dev Camp this weekend and I am looking forward to geeking out good and proper.
  • The Reeling Film Festival opened yesterday in Chicago. If you are in the mood for some good queer films, this is the time to get your fix.
  • Weather's taken a dip but it's still decent. Had to start the winterization of my car.
  • One of my best mates was in town this week and it was nice to see her and jus chat with no pretenses. You don't realize how much you hold back when talking to other people until you start a conversation with someone who knows you better.
  • Count down to Thanksgiving. All I want for Thanksgiving is a sweet potato pie, some shepherd's pie, some roast beef (not turkey), and some of trifle. Is that too much to ask?
  • I was over at IBM this past week and learnt a lot. The presentations that I enjoyed had the presenters who were somewhat informal ... and who can forget the verbal joust that took place between a student, faculty and a presenter. It almost got ugly in much the same way stuff goes down during in class discussions whereby the faculty feel that there is noway in hell that they can be wrong. I also learnt about what is considered the geekiest social network. Very interesting.
  • My visit to IBM brings my count to 3, the number of big IT facilities that I've visited (Google, Motorola, IBM). Remaining on my list are Microsoft, Accenture and Allstate so if anyone has a hook-up please let me know.
  • I have an interview lined up courtesy of the meet and greet at IBM.
Have a great weekend.

Edited 11/7/09

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