Friday, December 18, 2009

Weekly Rundown

Today was an awesome day! An early morning call with good news and dim sum for lunch. Throw in shepherd's pie (pictured smashed), garlic bread, cake, grilled chicken, and pinot noir for dinner and the day has been perfect.
  • Next up sorry Sheena, I started on today's feast before I remembered to take a photo so the greens and the poor man's garlic bread (toast, butter, garlic salt) are gone.
  • Today's feast is in honor of the birth of Ty jr. No I did not have a baby but I have an heir finally. And no I don't have a girlfriend.
  • I'll be heading back to DC next week for the holidays and I look forward to some down home cooking .... and seeing everyone as well.
  • Next Tuesday I end my current job. It's been a great journey over the last 2+ years and I've loved the highs and lows. All in all a great growth experience and I'm looking forward to taking it to the next level. Unfortunately, I will officially be between jobs from then on.
  • Finally .... Merry Christmas folks! May your time with chosen and given family be blessed.

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