Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mini rant - Crackers

Regularly scheduled programming will return on Friday.

Open letter to a little hacker wannabe.
You idiot! Who the *^&% do you think you are hacking into my laptop? Honey I've been in this game for a minute and believe me when I say karma is a biatch and she's gonna make you her bitch. What kind of moron hacks into an environment and forgets to clean their tracks? Like seriously did you miss the cover your ass chapter in cracking for dummies? All data packets have an address you IDIOT even if you hide your IP Address. Even if you engage in IP Spoofing, you can be found with a bit of effort and the right tools. Tracebacks exist for a reason.
Your favorite security person.


Explanation - A lil twerp hacked into my PC while I was calibrating some software and had the nerve to write me a note. It was my test environment so there was minimal security and nothing sensitive on the drive but it pissed me off. The drive is thoroughly wiped daily so it was more of an ego thing for me than anything else. I studied security design and ethical hacking was taught. They have another thing coming the next time they try this again.

[image taken from]


  1. Wow! You go girl with your karma! Not sure about all that hacking language only what I see on NCIS, Numbers, and Criminal Minds. Woosaaaa?...maybe? LOL

  2. Haha! I employed the services of woooossssaaaaaa about 30 mins after I'd written the post. I was one left click away from being karma's messenger.
