Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Half penny post: Hella Cold

To respond to a comment, if Key West didn't have the heat, poeple would show up in time to board, forget the 1 hour rule.

Side tale: While on my way to Philly from DC I had an interesting enounter. As we were riding a sneeze horsepower plane, we had to catch a bus to get to it. Cust serve checked everyone in and loaded the bus, did final boarding call and everything. The bus leaves the gate & gets to the plane. Lo and behold no flight crew. They forgot to tell the crew that the plane was on the tarmac so the crew was chilling in the break room.

Well I've been back in Chicago for a minute and it seems I made it back in time for the deep freeze. Tomorrow the weather high is a toasty 0F windchill of an equally hearty -25F low of -8F windchill -31F. I'm not going to class because I cannot justify standing outside for 30 minutes waiting for a bus that'll take me from campus to the train followed by another 10 mins waiting for the train that'll take me home.

Journey to Enlightenment has a poll going. Which of Rev Run's daughters is hotter: Vanessa or Angela? I voted in favor of Vanessa in case you were wondering.

I am currently suffering through Peter Senge’s book The Fifth Discipline. I get the gist of the book but the man will put you to sleep.

I am the proud aunt of Owami (ours) Khethiwe (chosen) Dube by one of my cousins. My sister is already plotting kids wardrobe from abroad.

I am hoping my mum's paperwork comes through soon so that she can fly over.

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