Thursday, January 15, 2009

Half penny post: US Airways plane crash

Image was extracted from NPR website and is used without permission.
I feel obligated to comment on the plane crash that happened today in NYC.
A US Airways jet on its way from New York's LaGuardia Airport to Charlotte, N.C., made an emergency landing in the icy-cold Hudson River on Thursday afternoon. Early reports indicated that all of the more than 150 people onboard were evacuated safely.
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Now I'm sure you are wondering why I felt obligated to comment
  1. US Airways was my airline of choice.
  2. I flew out of LaGuardia this past Sunday on my way to OH.
I have been contemplating writing a piece as a traveler's guide and one of the points that I can't stress enough is KNOW WHERE THE NEAREST EXIT IS (bear in mind the nearest exit may be behind you).
As the flight attendant likes to say "In the unlikely event of a water landing your seat cushion may be used a flotation device. Simply pull it up, fit your arms through the straps and hold it against your chest. A life vest is located under your seat. To inflate simply pull on the tab. If additional inflation is required, you may do so by blowing into the red tube... Please wait until you have exited the plane to inflate your vest."
Now I personally am a fan of sitting in the exit row aka the the first class of coach. If shit goes down I'm the first one out.

Now why would I know the air spiel by heart? Well, I took at least 52 flights (those are the stubs that I could find) between Sept 1 '08 and Jan 12 '09.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You do a lot of flying. I travel a lot too, though not as much recently, and every time I get on a plane I resolve myself that anything can hapen and put my life in God's hands. It's amazing that that pilot was able to land the plane safely.
