Friday, February 6, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

Tis Friday yet again... how fast time moves. The weather is warmer (at least for the next 24 hours) them it's back to the regularly scheduled programming.
This week:
  • I watched The Secret and am fascinated by the concept. The Law of Attraction is one that I had not given serious thought to. I have now taken to placing my order with the universe. I'm putting a lot more stuff out into the universe. I am focusing on wealth building instead of debt-free.
  • I have started a thankful / greatful thoughts book. Every morning I write down what I am thankful for.
  • I've taken up exercising in the mornings ( a quick jaunt on the elliptical trainer). I woke up one day and discovered that I had developed love handles. I don't need those hush puppies as I'm not seeing / potentially seeing anyone who might have a need to "hang onto them".
  • I am working on changing my mindset. I need to see what's around me in a different light. The challenge is to bust open my preconceived notions about people and situations.
  • I got my ass whooped by a Joomla MYSQL database. For the non techies know that my ego was bruised by software.
  • I heard that we are getting episode 5 of Lovers and Friends on Sunday so keep an eye out for that.
  • Tune in tomorrow night Feb 7, for U-People which is premering on Logo.
  • Zimbabwean parliament has cleared the way for a unity goverment. Tsvangirai is to become Prime Minister. I could honestly care less about that. What I want to know is how is he planning to handle the cholera crisis, the education crisis, the health crisis, hell all the crises.
  • We are still waiting on my mother's paperwork. My mother is however in good spirits this week so it's ok.
  • I went to visit my car. We got very well acquainted. I got to sit in it and envision myself out on Lakeshore drive taking an afternoon drive. I could also see myself on the interstate going through the toll booths and getting ready to haul ass. I have decided that for my 28th birthday (two years from now) I'm buying myself an Audi R8. It's a mere $145,000 so it shouldn't be a problem. I want it in Phantom Black Pearl with Carbon Sigma side blades. 19" 5 arm cast alloy wheels. Fine Napa Leather in Tusan brown interior, Bang & Olufsen Sound System, Audi navigation plus and the Alcantara headliner in black. It's a 4.2 liter v8 FSI so you'll here me coming but might be hard pressed to get a good look at me as I ride by. I have decided to name the car La Contessa aka the Countess. I was going to give it a more masculine name but the curves on that baby made me reconsider.
Teacah Tolerance!


1 comment:

  1. look at all those positive steps you're taking. mmhmm! good luck. i look forward to reading where it all leads.

