This week:
- I watched The Secret and am fascinated by the concept. The Law of Attraction is one that I had not given serious thought to. I have now taken to placing my order with the universe. I'm putting a lot more stuff out into the universe. I am focusing on wealth building instead of debt-free.
- I have started a thankful / greatful thoughts book. Every morning I write down what I am thankful for.
- I've taken up exercising in the mornings ( a quick jaunt on the elliptical trainer). I woke up one day and discovered that I had developed love handles. I don't need those hush puppies as I'm not seeing / potentially seeing anyone who might have a need to "hang onto them".
- I am working on changing my mindset. I need to see what's around me in a different light. The challenge is to bust open my preconceived notions about people and situations.
- I got my ass whooped by a Joomla MYSQL database. For the non techies know that my ego was bruised by software.
- I heard that we are getting episode 5 of Lovers and Friends on Sunday so keep an eye out for that.
- Tune in tomorrow night Feb 7, for U-People which is premering on Logo.
- Zimbabwean parliament has cleared the way for a unity goverment. Tsvangirai is to become Prime Minister. I could honestly care less about that. What I want to know is how is he planning to handle the cholera crisis, the education crisis, the health crisis, hell all the crises.
- We are still waiting on my mother's paperwork. My mother is however in good spirits this week so it's ok.
I went to visit my car. We got very well acquainted. I got to sit in it and envision myself out on Lakeshore drive taking an afternoon drive. I could also see myself on the interstate going through the toll booths and getting ready to haul ass. I have decided that for my 28th birthday (two years from now) I'm buying myself an Audi R8. It's a mere $145,000 so it shouldn't be a problem. I want it in Phantom Black Pearl with Carbon Sigma side blades. 19" 5 arm cast alloy wheels. Fine Napa Leather in Tusan brown interior, Bang & Olufsen Sound System, Audi navigation plus and the Alcantara headliner in black. It's a 4.2 liter v8 FSI so you'll here me coming but might be hard pressed to get a good look at me as I ride by. I have decided to name the car La Contessa aka the Countess. I was going to give it a more masculine name but the curves on that baby made me reconsider.
Teacah Tolerance!
1 comment:
look at all those positive steps you're taking. mmhmm! good luck. i look forward to reading where it all leads.
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