Post 200! We have 2 weeks worth of catching up so here we go:
I made it back from AZ in one piece. Primary complaint was the airport as always. Why don't people stay home? It was 3.5 hour flight and all I did was read and do homework. Upshot was the flight attendants who were sitting in the back and keeping us company. O and the lady in the seat right behind me ... she had one sexy accent.As to why I was in AZ to begin with? My friend recently took a job with borderlinks. She is very involved in immigrant and peace and justice initiatives. She is also one of the coolest pastors ever. If I didn't know that she was one, I'd never guess.
On the job front I've interviewed and done 2nd round and this week's reason for not getting the job was I'm over qualified. Last week it was my inability to work indefinitely without work visa sponsorship.
A friend of mine got engaged last week and a mutual friend threw a lil dinner party together last night to celebrate and jus hang out. I had too much wine and "staggered" home at some ungodly hour after detouring through Boystown to walk the alcohol out of my system. Woke up today fresh as a daisy... no hangover. There has got to be something in the clan genes because to date I can drink myself blind and wake up with no side effects.
This year I seem to have been hit by several rounds of allergies. My body is in mutiny mode. I have been sorely tempted to start using Benadryl again.
I've been working on revamping a part of my website and I need to give a hand to graphic designers. There is a hell of a lot of work to do.
I'm still not sure if my mom is going to make my graduation. She is going to the British High Comm on Monday morning to find out about her passport. If it's not yet ready, we are just getting her a new one and taking it from there.
My nephew turns seven this week and I'm beginning to feel old. What do you get a seven year old for a gift anyway?
Graduation ceremony is 2 weekends away!
Yes it's a short rundown. I have 4 papers + 2 term papers waiting on me.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Half Penny Post: Soccer in the US
I am a soccer / football fan! With that out of the way I have a mini rant on the state of soccer in the US.
Soccer in the US is played in pretty much the same way that people play football / baseball. All brute force and no finesse. Soccer here is about getting the ball past the goal posts. There is no flair, no showing off. In other countries soccer is played to entertain the crowd. Winning is just the icing on the cake. Ever watched the old greats play, they dribble, dash here, fake there and eventually find the back of the net. The likes of Ronaldinho, Pele, Zidane, Henry etc literalily make the ball baila ... it dances at their feet! I live in the Chi and we have Temoc, a player brought in from Mexico I believe. When he first arrived, he had the dance going with the ball. Nowadays his playing style has changed and its all skill and very little flair.
Anyway the reason why I ended up ranting about soccer is there is a FIFA qualifying game on the 6th of June here in the Chi and the US plays Honduras. I plan to be in the stands cheering on Honduras not the US. I even have a Honduran soccer jersey from a few years back that I plan to rock. Go Honduras!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Random Post: Nicole Chamoun is hot

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Tuesday Beat: Plumb - Only You (Blush)
I have eclectic taste in music and do try to showcase difference genres that I listen to each week. I love the music by Plumb. She sings alternative rock that I can get behind. If you've ever listened to Evanesence you'll recognize the sound as she inspired some of their music.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Travel : New Mexico
Well I spent most of yesterday driving across New Mexico. The day started off with rain and mountians which our poor little car had to battle. Loaded to within an inch of its life and hauling ass at 85mph I will say I was impressed with its performance. Once we hit NM, the land flattened out and all one could see were miles and miles of dry grass, with the occasional impala looking animals. O and the occasional cattle ranch. We stopped in Albuquerque for about 2 hours and walked around. If you ever find yourself in Albuq, I highly recommend the Garcia Cafe for a meal. For $3.50 I had the heartiest helping of a chicken burritto. I am talking flavorful, moist, and toasted just right. While driving we blew out a tire an hour from Tucson. Sad part was we could practically see our final destination. Anyway below are some photos from the road - Downtown Albuq, the lone gas station that appeared when our tank was almost empty, the Rio Grande river, our tire mishap etc.

Now I have the following to say about the state before we hit the photos:
- Who is the genius who took it upon themselves to paint the bridges pink and blue?
- Were it not for the rock outcrops and mountains in the distance it would be one monotonous drive.
- The sand is pink in color ... I guess it might explain the bridge colors
- I have never seen this many variations of cactii. Some looked like they were not sure if they wanted to be cactii or shrubs.
- The 6pm sun is hard on the eyes if you are driving west.
- NM has one of the most interesting drunk driving campaigns. I swear every 5 miles they have a sign up on it ranging from the margarita glass to the batman symbol. As I was driving, I was unable to take photos of the sign but if you are ever in the area keep an eye out for them
- I saw Mexico - no I didn't cross the border. We are just that close to it and you can see it in the distance. I didn't think to bring my passport or else we'd have gone there sometime today for the afternoon.

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Travel: IO - NE - CO

I am on the rode again and this time I'm heading to Tucson Arizona. I'm driving with a friend who is moving there. All I can say is my ass will forever have a Toyota logo imprint. We drove for 14 hours today and decided to call it a night in Trinidad, Colorado. We drove straight through Iowa and Nebraska and I feel it is worth mentioning that there is NOTHING to see along that drive save for the windmill farms in Iowa (see photo at end of post - you might need to click on it to enlarge it).
Who had the bright idea to name a gas station Kum and Go. Every single time that I've seen one I've felt a lil like a perv. Anyway, I got a shot glass that say Kum and Go and one of the gas stations as proof. I also had the great fortune of seeing the world's largest truck stop in Iowa.
We stopped in Denver for an hour and did some shopping and I must say I love the view of the mountains in the distance. I could definitely see myself living out here and heading out to hike on weekends. The winter weather would be the biggest deterrent to this happening though.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tuesday Beat: Desi Beats
On today's menu we have some Desi beats - a triple dose at that. The songs are kinda old but I still enjoy hearing them as they highlight different aspects of Desi beats. On the menu we have Lomattic with Slip & Fall, Dr. Zeus with Mitran Di Jaan and Mehndi / Madho Rama from the movie Monsoon Wedding. BTW it's an open seceret that I have a particular appreciation for the Desi ladies ... just stating a fact.
Dr. Zeus
Madho Rama / Mehndi
Dr. Zeus
Madho Rama / Mehndi
Monday, May 18, 2009
Half Penny Post: Wayyy too much energy
I've been running in what I've come to call a heightened state of awareness since last Wednesday. I am practically bouncing off of shit. Once in a while, okay more often than not, I get like this and it's actually a lil scary. It's like I've downed too much sugar or caffeine and can't stay still. When I get like this, hide your daughters because I can and will put my mack foot forward.
Prime example was today after service. A couple of college students get together once or twice a month after church and we just sit and talk. Today we watched the movie FLOW (For the Love of Water) which I'll do a separate blog post on. Anyway I got there about half an hour early and was reading when a new student to the group showed up. Don't hate me for putting this first but she was hot, looks were all I had to go on at the time. We started chatting and turns out she is articulate too. She is a masters in writing student where I also happen to go to school. I hit detective mode and asked questions left right and center. Dang its been a while since I've so thoroughly enjoyed finding out about a person. O did I mention that she was hitting every single point on my checklist? Alas when we finally hit the crucial point she turned out to be straight. God's got jokes and he sure got a good laugh out of this one. Needless to say I now have an acquaintance.
This is the most relaxed that I've been in a while by the way. You might not think so given the extra energy, but I am feeling a lot less stressed. I spent 2 hours outside walking, an hour of which was spent out along the lake.
Side note: the side effect of all this extra energy is a case of extreme randiness. If that word in not part of your vocab, look up randy in the urban dictionary.
Prime example was today after service. A couple of college students get together once or twice a month after church and we just sit and talk. Today we watched the movie FLOW (For the Love of Water) which I'll do a separate blog post on. Anyway I got there about half an hour early and was reading when a new student to the group showed up. Don't hate me for putting this first but she was hot, looks were all I had to go on at the time. We started chatting and turns out she is articulate too. She is a masters in writing student where I also happen to go to school. I hit detective mode and asked questions left right and center. Dang its been a while since I've so thoroughly enjoyed finding out about a person. O did I mention that she was hitting every single point on my checklist? Alas when we finally hit the crucial point she turned out to be straight. God's got jokes and he sure got a good laugh out of this one. Needless to say I now have an acquaintance.
This is the most relaxed that I've been in a while by the way. You might not think so given the extra energy, but I am feeling a lot less stressed. I spent 2 hours outside walking, an hour of which was spent out along the lake.
Side note: the side effect of all this extra energy is a case of extreme randiness. If that word in not part of your vocab, look up randy in the urban dictionary.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown
Happy Friday mi compadres. Hope your week has been fun and productive.
- Weather has been fabulous for the most part. I've tried to sneak in as much time as humanely possible outside. With warm weather comes the insanity that is the pedestrian. Pedestrians have absolutely no regard for cars. We will cross a street right in front of an on coming car and expect the driver to stop. With warm weather also comes the teens hanging out on street corners. Major summer annoyance #1.
- I had my web dev seminar this week and got a crash course in Google analytics. Had another sem on Facebook Ap development. Last week I was over at Google for their talk. There seems to be a theme forming here.
- BTW I am no longer finishing my Master's this summer. I'm in School til next March. I have 3 classes left and was planning to finish them in Aug but a couple of things have come up. I am still walking in 3 weeks with the rest of my class as I already have the gown and cap.
- Wedding season is upon us. I have friends dropping out of the singles ranks faster than flies that have been hit with Raid. One of my old college roomies is getting married in Japan and people are flying out there for the wedding. I am really bummed that I can't go see her say I do but she has promised me lots of photos. Does anyone know Japanese wedding ettiquette? What gifts does one send?
- Another friend of mine has an upcoming baby shower. I dislike attending the showers, wedding or baby. If ever there was a place that I feel extremely uncomfortable, that would be it. I am usually able to get out of attending but the upcoming babay shower is for a friend whose family I'm very close to so my not attending would be rude at least in my books.
- I would like to take a moment to thank the creators of video sharing sites such as YouTube and Tudou. I am on a mission to watch all 3 .5 seasons of South of Nowhere before the quarter ends. I also would like to watch the final season of Allo Allo because that program is hilarious. René and Michelle of the Resistance are two of my all time fav tv characters. I spend an hour every night on Youtube watching web development / photoshop tutorials. Nothing like a free education.
- My first full website deployment went well this past week. I was part of the team that moved our departmental website to the new CMS and it's up and running. My portion of the equation went rather well. Learnt a lot about my self as well during the migration. I now know how to break and fix shit. My next web deployment should be done May the 30th at the latest.
- I need to start using this blog to highlight my finer points. It could vastly improve my chances of landing a date if my neuroses don't scare them away first.
- If any of you watch Bollywood movies, check out the song kaise mujhe tum mil gayee as it is a hauntingly beautiful love song. It's off of the movie Ghajani if I recall correctly. Movie had me breaking out the Kleenex. Incidentally, if you know of any available queer Desi ladies do please send them my way.
- The run down ends here. I messed up my right arm earlier this week so I can't write for extended periods of time. If I do I end up in pain and the last 2 fingers go numb.
Have a good weekend!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Half Penny Post: O Hell
Every once in a while my dad does something and I ask myself what the hell was he thinking. Then a week later I do the exact thing that he did. If there was ever any question as to the fact that he and I are related, it has been answered. Two o hell moments in the same week and it's only Tuesday. Come Friday I'll be well into the o shits.
Ever done your finances and and come up with a number, thought o hell, and redone the numbers to make absolutely sure you made no mistakes and then upgraded it to an o crap situation. I do so live close to the edge but there is such a thing as too close for comfort.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Tuesday Beat: Mafikizolo - Mas'thokoze
Taking it back a few years is a love song by Mafikizolo. It celebrates longevity in relationships.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Half Penny Post: My list
I was asked a week or two ago to put up a list of what I want as I had put up a list of deal breakers. Well this is the beginning of the want list. Most points are negotiable save for the smoking.
- sense of humor ( u gotta be able to laugh at your own mistakes)
- some sort of religious background ( pick your spiritual path, I just need you to have something)
- loves the arts or can at least tolerate em (I enjoy going to listen to an orchestra – yes I like classical music and music is an integral part of my life)
- reads avidly (even if tis the daily paper)
- volunteers their time to some cause
- has traveled somewhere at least 4 hrs from place of current residence
- understands how to agree to disagree
- has a working draft of their goals and aspirations
- will still go out with me if I look like a box of crayola color wonder after spending an afternoon with kids
- has the patience of a saint because I know I can be frustrating to deal with at times
- doesn't smoke
- enjoys sampling the cuisines of the world (and can serve ramen 20 different ways – this is a tie breaker)
- buck o fives need nt apply. I like healthy looking women.
- partial to femmes
- no crazy hair color combos (magenta tips with blond roots need nt apply)
- can't look like you lost a battle with a box of fishing tackles
- educational requirements may vary but generally speaking a bachelor's degree is a good starting point. I want this because I need to know that you can stick to something and finish it.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

- I had an infinitely better week. While I'm still crazy stressed, I am feeling more like I can handle what's coming my way.
- I had 2 days off this week and did verrrrrryyyyyy little in the way of writing papers. I spent most of my time outside enjoying the weather and allergies be damned. Speaking of allergies, mine seem to have tapered off while those of some of my friends seem to be picking up.
- While I am sure this is true in many cities, I have got to say the road in Chi suck! The alignment on my car is going to need some TLC before we hit summer. While running an errand I saw a couple who'd lost a wheel, yes a wheel not the hub caps. Granted the car might not have been in peak condition, but still, a wheel lost is a wheel lost.
- Been playing catch-up on family gossip with my mother and I must say tales abound. I left home a long time ago and people seem to have forgottten that my mother has one other daughter. They will ask about my sister and forget me. When my mama mentions me, there's the shock then the qns abound, where is she, is she married, kids etc. I feel bad for her though because those who ask usually have kids younger than I am who are now "established", that is, married + career +/- kids. I am still in school with no settling down in sight.
- I hung out with some of my grad co-workers last night and we had quit a bit of fun. I love that my co-workers are open minded and are willing to discuss just about anything and we don't always have to agree. I love that we can discuss our relationships, or lack thereof, and the blokes will be giving me pointers based on what's worked for them in terms of maintaining long term relationships. Even the ladies will pitch in with what worked for them in the courting.
- I am gearing up for a drive to Arizona which I plan to make closer to the end of the month.
- Homework beckons so I shall wish ye a happy weekend. O and a happy Mother's day to all the mothers who read the blog.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Tuesday Beat: Wynter Gordon - Insomnia
A song that I like. It's more of a break up song really but I listening to it when I'm down. It's an '08 song. In case you were wondering where you've heard the name Wynter thrown around of late, she did a collabo with Flo Rida called Sugar which I think is a waste of her talents. They are hoping the song will help bring her into the mainstream in the same way that Keri Hilson was introduced to us via Timbaland.
Nights just seem so long
There's too much time to think about it
My head is overcrowded and and ohhh
Everything seems so wrong, stuck in this prison
I'm here living alone, I have insomnia
Monday, May 4, 2009
Random Post: Monday blahs
Hope y'all are enjoying the start of the week. I just got home from class and must say I love academia at the graduate level. I enjoy the discussions that are part of class. Today we almost had a verbal smack down over a business case that we were discussing. It was beyond entertaining as we were trying to prove that we were in the same boat. We just happened to be rowing on different sides.
I have 2 days off beginning tomorrow and I am going to see if I can write 3 papers in the 2 days.
Allergies are putting metatarsal to posterior. I was out cold for 12 hours straight and that was without medication. My body just needed the downtime.
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