Sunday, December 27, 2009

Meet Ty jr

For 24 hours only I'm putting up an image of my heir a.k.a my niece and I. I have a limited window courtesy of her mama. SOO please welcome Ty jr.
Side note ... what's with the snowstorms in the midwest?
Edited to remove photo.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday Beat: Mary J Blige/ Leona Lewis / Jennifer Hudson

Triple play in honor of upcoming Christmas.

Mary J. Blige - In the Morning. Mary killed this one.

Leona Lewis ft JT - Don't Let Me Down. Her latest offering is one of the best CDs of the year imho.

Jennifer Hudson - Giving Myself. Some Chi-town love

Friday, December 18, 2009

Weekly Rundown

Today was an awesome day! An early morning call with good news and dim sum for lunch. Throw in shepherd's pie (pictured smashed), garlic bread, cake, grilled chicken, and pinot noir for dinner and the day has been perfect.
  • Next up sorry Sheena, I started on today's feast before I remembered to take a photo so the greens and the poor man's garlic bread (toast, butter, garlic salt) are gone.
  • Today's feast is in honor of the birth of Ty jr. No I did not have a baby but I have an heir finally. And no I don't have a girlfriend.
  • I'll be heading back to DC next week for the holidays and I look forward to some down home cooking .... and seeing everyone as well.
  • Next Tuesday I end my current job. It's been a great journey over the last 2+ years and I've loved the highs and lows. All in all a great growth experience and I'm looking forward to taking it to the next level. Unfortunately, I will officially be between jobs from then on.
  • Finally .... Merry Christmas folks! May your time with chosen and given family be blessed.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Travel - DC again

I found myself in DC this past weekend and for the first part of this week (courtesy of flight cancellations).
It was nice to just hang out with fam and do nothing but eat and shoot the breeze (who the hell invented that expression?). Well those activities along with a healthy dose of speculation & gossip. Next Friday (or better yet Saturday since I'll probably forget to do it on Friday) I'll try to not only include the tale behind the speculation, I'll even try to throw in a photo.
I'll be returning to DC next Wednesday for Christmas and New Years .... and more shepherd's pie.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday Beat: Alicia Keys - Wait Til You See My Smile

2nd fave on CD.
I will admit to having mixed feelings about Ms. Keys' new offering. A few cuts are actually decent since they were "under produced" (thank you for giving Swizzy a time out on them). Last week's 'That's how strong my love is' is a winner in my books for its simplicity. The Beyoncé collaboration ... what were these women thinking????
Overall I dislike the made for radio feel and the lack of lyrical depth in comparison to past offerings, but I am willing to forgive her if she makes a video for That's how strong my love is AND the video itself is equally simple (none of this excessive use of CG).

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Weekly Rundown

  • Le sigh. The weekend is upon us. Another week of employment and another week closer to unemployment.
  • First up something I never thought I would ever catch myself writing. Kim Kardashian is a beautiful woman. Not just hot mind you, but beautiful ... there is a world of difference between the two. I've just seen some of the shots from her make under for Glamour and I'm as sold as it gets in the world of photoshop.
  • Next up it's bloody cold outside. And I do mean bloody with lots of people slipping on the pre dawn ice.
  • Check out boy interrupted's blog when you have a moment. The posts / images are funny and not for the easily offended. The blogger is a gay guy out of South Africa. Today's image comes courtesy of his post on Exam Creativity.
  • Hop on over to Pre-Order 'black./womyn.' DVD and get yourself a copy of black./womyn.:conversations while supplies last.
  • The Lovers and Friends Show has returned for season 3 but the jury is still out. The story is not flowing as well as it did during the first 2 seasons and I now have more questions than answers which tends to be a very bad thing. Throw in the fact that Episode 7 is being spread out over several weeks and I'm not a happy camper.
  • A few days ago I was pleasantly surprised to discover that 2 fellow foreign nationals that I am acquainted with are actually queer and a couple. Go ladies! We really need more out internationals on campus.
  • I've rediscovered the joy of cooking. Not the book but the actual act of cooking. Now that I have a bit more spare time, I come home and throw something together and I find it relaxing.
  • Have a good weekend folks!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tuesday Beat: Solange - Stillness is the move

Is that Badu's Bag Lady in the bg. Damn skippy it is. I'm really feeling this song and figured it'd be a good kickoff for December.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Weekly Rundown

Hope the turkeys / tofurkeys were plentiful and the pies freshly made for those of you who celebrate American Thanksgiving.
  • Week 1 with no formal school has been awesome! Nothing like clocking 6+ hours of sleep for 5 days in a row.
  • For those who've been following my endless drama, my mum has finally arrived. It took a year of this and that and endless headaches but she eventually made it.
  • It's finally feeling like fall in the Chi...
  • For those who've inquired, I do have a twitter account and it is queerafrican. Had to separate the professional from the personal tweets.
  • And finally as a Buckeye fan I feel obligated to share that we whooped Michigan's ass yet again. :)
image extracted from

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Queers United: The Changing face of Same-Gender Loving Students at Historically Black Colleges

Queers United: The Changing face of Same-Gender Loving Students at Historically Black Colleges

Visit the link for more information on The Human Rights Campaigns Historically Black Colleges and Universities program's effort to create dialogue and awareness about LGBT issues among these schools. There is a video worth seeing on why faculty and students need to be involved.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday Beat: Nina Simone - Sinnerman

I like Nina Simone's music and am a sucker for house / dance music. So here's a house remix of Sinnerman ... well my fave of the remixes of this song. The second video is the original full length version of Sinnerman that Nina Simone did. If you're a movie buff you'll recognize the song from the scene with the blokes in the bowler hats from The Thomas Crown Affair.
Happy Thanksgiving folks!

Felix Da Housecat's Mix


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Why I love the show Bones

5 - The interns. They have such zeal. Watching them go about their tasks warms my lil heart since I am in the same boat. It's all about proving your worth.

4 - Special Agent Seeley Joseph Booth. Why? Because he is in love with Bones. 'Nuff said.

3 - Angela Montenegro. Forensic artiste extraodinaire. She gets to use the coolest toys in the show. Brilliant, artistic, tech mind. She compliments Bones character very well in that she is mentally flexible and puts some heart behind the logic. And who can forget her quest to save the lil pig.

2 - Dr. Camille "Cam" Saroyan. I love how her character is authoritative but motherly. That she has been navigating parenting after becoming caretaker of her niece has been fun to watch. Tamara Taylor is easy on the eyes too. I love seeing intelligent female characters on tv.

1 - Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan. A woman after my own heart. Intelligent, rational, articulate, doesn't mind getting dirty, is a fan of personal space ... I could go on and on. Ok so she does lack some social skills but who can argue with brilliance. Her character has been well written and developed as far as I can tell, but then again I am biased.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Weekly Rundown

The quarter is officially over! It feels very odd to be bored because I have no homework or papers to write.
I am a very big fan of the Masterpiece Mystery series on PBS. I'd DVRd a few weeks worth of watching and it has been fun playing catch up. I love a good murder mystery.
I am very behind on my queer issues so I'm off to play catch up.

Happy Turkey day peeps!

image from

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Random Image: Baby Onesie

Tell me this is not a gem of a shirt. I'm looking for one where the baby is a girl not a boy. Why? Because I know just the person to give it to.

image extracted from

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday Beat: Lee Carr - Song For The Broken Hearted

Sometimes someone leaves and you lose a part of yourself event though you were never romantically involved.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Weekly Rundown

Woza Friday!
We're another week closer to the end of the quarter. Aaaahhhh. Finals assignments and finals are now in vogue. Hyperventillation ... aisle 3. Lack of sleep aisle 4. Winter clothing aisle 5.
  • We have a Social Dev Camp this weekend and I am looking forward to geeking out good and proper.
  • The Reeling Film Festival opened yesterday in Chicago. If you are in the mood for some good queer films, this is the time to get your fix.
  • Weather's taken a dip but it's still decent. Had to start the winterization of my car.
  • One of my best mates was in town this week and it was nice to see her and jus chat with no pretenses. You don't realize how much you hold back when talking to other people until you start a conversation with someone who knows you better.
  • Count down to Thanksgiving. All I want for Thanksgiving is a sweet potato pie, some shepherd's pie, some roast beef (not turkey), and some of trifle. Is that too much to ask?
  • I was over at IBM this past week and learnt a lot. The presentations that I enjoyed had the presenters who were somewhat informal ... and who can forget the verbal joust that took place between a student, faculty and a presenter. It almost got ugly in much the same way stuff goes down during in class discussions whereby the faculty feel that there is noway in hell that they can be wrong. I also learnt about what is considered the geekiest social network. Very interesting.
  • My visit to IBM brings my count to 3, the number of big IT facilities that I've visited (Google, Motorola, IBM). Remaining on my list are Microsoft, Accenture and Allstate so if anyone has a hook-up please let me know.
  • I have an interview lined up courtesy of the meet and greet at IBM.
Have a great weekend.

Edited 11/7/09

Friday, October 30, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

Lo and behold the weekend is upon us yet again.It has been a great week, stress and all.
  • O and it's Halloween season... have you seen the costumes? The rain is putting a damper on creativity sadly.
  • I have reached a pair of crossroads. I could go forward, turn left or right. In another 25 days I'll be done with school formally. And you thought ghosts and ghouls were scary! I am scared shitless. I am freakin out a bit now. I have no income producing activity once January rolls around since my assistantship covers me until December 18. What to do next is the question of the moment.
  • Over the last 2 months I've been so busy doing this and that (school, work, training, projects, family) and I realized today that I have not actively worked out other than my taking walks. I need to get back on track not because I want to loose weight, but because want to tone up again and prepare for the physical aspect of an exam that I'll be taking. And I am not feeling my abdomen's attempt to start a slacker's belly.
  • Over the next 4 - 8 weeks I'm expecting a major change in my life and I'd like to meet it feeling and looking on point.
  • All things holding steady, my mama should be here in 25 or so days. See a pattern?
  • Finally a happy birthday to my dad.
Let the pie season begin!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Random Post: My sibs and I are language challenged

My uncle (ma's brother) sent me an email today. Now you might be wondering about the title of the post. Well the email was written in Ndebele. It took me about 6 mins to plow through 6 or so sentences & my bro 15 mins. My sis was in between. When I sent back a reply it was in a happy mix of Ndenglish. More English than Ndebele. I never actually learnt how to read and write it properly since I lived in a Shona speaking area and learnt that instead. Sibs studied the language so they have no excuses. As such we are language challenged.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday Beat: Kirk Franklin - Stomp

A lil something from back when we thought gospel music had veered off the straight and narrow and we were doomed.
src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="320" height="250" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always">

Friday, October 23, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

Tis Friday ...
  • Mid terms are in full swing so my ass will keep this post short.
  • I would like to say congrats to the Kenyan gay couple that got married in the UK a week or so ago. Thanks to Tamaku for sharing the news. The Kenyan media is having a field day with the news. I fail to see how who I am partnered with affects another person's life. Aren't there bigger things that all this coverage could be used for? Hunger? AIDS? Hell the economy if you so choose. Let the happy couple be for Pete's sake.
  • Weddings and pregnancies abound. I can't believe how many of my peers are getting off the dating stock exchange. The pickings are definitely becoming slimmer ... not that they were great to begin with.
  • Ms. Keys has a song out this week and I thought I'd put the vid up because the lyrics mean a lot to me. I'd really hate to make it and have no one to share it with. Yes I want a life partner and yes I want kids. Well the kids bit can go either way as I have nieces and nephews. Anyway I'm no hurry to get either as there tends to be a no return policy in effect unless one keeps the receipt aka the prenup.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Random Post: Mornings with you

A lil something that I found from way back when. I'm only putting up a quarter of it for reasons that I'm sure you can figure out...

I love
waking up next to you
the little purring sound that you make while stretching
the softness of your skin when I kiss you
the scar on your shoulder that makes you giggle when I flick my tongue over it
how you hesitate before turning around to face me, as if that moment apart while you turn is too much time apart
the color of your eyes as they slowly focus on me, hazel with flecks of green
your smile and the dimples that accompany it
kissing you good morning
the familiarity
the warmth
the slow climb
As I said only a quarter of it

Friday, October 16, 2009

Random Post: What trips your gaydar?

Gaydar: The supposed ability to detect whether or not a person is gay by observing that person (Wiktionary)

I had an interesting thing happen on the bus on my way home last night and it got me thinking as to what sets off one's gaydar. I was sitting towards the back of the bus doing my crossword puzzle and a young lady walked by me. I looked up and the first thing that crossed my mind was she's gay. She did not exhibit any of the stereotypical gay characteristics - short hair, rainbow items, extra piercings, andro / butch looks - nothing. She just pinged and it really surprised me. 2 stops down, what I could only conclude was her girlfriend got on. Why that conclusion? Well let's see - holding hands while sitting next to each other, the gf's studly look, the hello kiss / peck - all of the above.

What I'm really wondering is why the first lass pinged. I don't recall seeing them before but it is possible that I've ridden with them before and subconsciously I filed that piece of information away. It could also be that I was secretly hoping that she was gay. I don't know. So my question is what sets your gaydar off?

The article that I got the image from might make for some interesting reading for some of you as it looks at what can be derived from you facebook profile in terms of your sexuality. It's in Portuguese so Google Translate might be needed.

image extracted from

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

Today we'll deviate a lil from the regular format because there has been something lurking in the back of my mind for the last couple of days. I'll not make much sense but bear with me as my hands are somewhat tied.

As I grow older I am made more acutely aware of the fact that I know nothing. Well nothing as in the crucial life lessons. I can spout theorems no problem, but do I really know anything? I mean if I were called upon to speak with authority what wisdom would I give? Majoring in alcohol is not recommended? Your actions should allow you to sleep at night?

An event is drawing nearer and it really has me freaked out. No it is not the impending graduation that has me rethinking things. An no there is no secret wedding in the works. It is something more elemental ... hell I'm sure it gives many folks a sleepless night as well as it draws nearer. In another 6 weeks I'll probably abandon the pretense of sleeping altogether.

I really wish my maternal grandma were still around. I would give her a ring and get some philosophical gems from her as well as a 101 traditional African tales. As odd as it sounds, I really could use one of her tales. I realized that I don't remember many of them and it is kinda disappointing. What tales will I tell my kids? Hansel and Gretel? 3 little pigs? I would love to tell the tales of Umvundla lontelethsa , of Ufudu lomlimisi, of Okoko bakho. There is a rich history that I have slowly let go of which is sad. Sadder still is the fact that my parents can only fill me in halfway. The image is a nod to the modernization of traditional tales.

Anyway so that this post is not a total loss:
  • Week's been good... weather not so much.
  • Classes are kicking ass and I'm kicking right back.
  • This business of job hunting ought to come with a paycheck.
  • I now have a knack for these job / college fairs. I can chat up most recruiters and end up leaving with cards even though they are not interested in bringing in IT people. Follow-up is now my next challenge to be conquered.
  • I have a trip this week to DC. Whoever decided that 6am flights ought to be the cheapest ought to be hung by their thumbs. I pretty much am going to forego sleep on Monday night so that I don't miss the flight. This will be after a full day of work + class. I am ambitious. I really am looking forward to seeing my sister ... o and can't forget Mzu now can we.
Happy coming out weekend!
image extracted from

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday Beat: Diana King - Shy Guy

Taking it back a lil. Who doesn't remember the era of Shy Guy?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

Tis Friday!
  • A cold one at that. The Chi has suddenly gotten a lil colder... and wetter. No thanks to that I am on the other side of a cold. Still battling the sniffles though and killer tiredness.
  • Ever noticed how when you are feeling good about yourself, everyone else seems to notice.
  • It's been an otherwise decent week. Jobs fairs and PhD funding seminars were the main highlights.
  • Babies abound ... God must've had a 2 for one sale going coz several people that I know are spotting baby bumps.
  • Time permitting, swing by AfterEllen and watch the dating tip vlogs by Sarah P. and Malinda. It's a series of seven vlogs with some great pointers that run the gamut from how to get a first date to dating etiquette.
  • As I don't have much else to share, I'm adding a clip that I consider one of the best on YT. Dr Bailey is my hero. " to gracefully demure if you find that you don't like the local cuisine." Best line ever!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday Beat: David Chifunyise Iyanai - Tauya Naye

Some 2001 urban grooves zim style.

Rough translation
We first met while we were in school. I realized there was some chemistry. 3 months later you met my aunt and she accepted your gift of Fanta [aunts are very important in our culture]. Today we got married and aunt is singing [at the wedding]. Bridal price was 16 cows, 3 piece suit, total 24K + nokia 3210.

Chorus is a song we sing when a bride is brought into the home. Translates into we've brought her complete with blankets - trust me it makes sense.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

Lo and behold Friday has arrived yet again.
I had absolutely nothing to do today and it was really nice. I made it down to the lake and was the only person there for the first 30 mins of my time there.
I am super stocked by the changes that are taking place in my family. Things are really looking up.
I've come to the realization that we mature as needed. It's not soo much an age thing. I am immature and own that fact. I'm leaving student mode behind gradually.
Some of you might be familiar with the actress Lisa Ray. She was diagnosed with Multiple Mylenoma not too long ago and has a blog where she talks about her treatments and her life in general. Check it out when you have a moment.
Tiona McClodden will be bringing black./womyn.:conversations... to Milwaukee on the 2nd of October. I've been dying to see it so I might make the trek north to see it. The link has all the details.
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday Beat: Ringo Madlingozi Oliver Mtukudzi - Into Yami

Musical legends Ringo and Tuku teamed up for this gem of a love song. It's sung in 3 languages - Zulu and Suthu(I think) are done by Ringo and Shona part is done by Tuku.

Rough translation:
All that is mine is yours. Hello beloved, how are you? It's been a while with me trying to talk to you. I just want you. I see you and get breathless. I speak only your name. My mind goes blank. Come closer and close the door. Take me, I have always been yours. All that is mine is yours. We will be together always. I love you and you love me.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Half Penny Post: Lessons from a break up

Is it really better to have loved and lost than to have not loved at all? I have to wonder.

I had someone that I cared for deeply and she did me the great service of dragging my heart through a crocodile mud pit and putting it on a spit to roast. Well if I'm honest I fell for her and didn't have a prayer in hell of surviving a relationship with her. I deign to use the word love because well that would put too much of a significance to the relationship but to some extent, she was my first love.

Am I better off for having had that experience with her? Maybe though I doubt it.

My list of requirement now includes is not psychotic which pretty much excludes most women because PMS makes everyone psychotic at one time or another. Am I better off then? Yes.

I am less willing to trust my heart when it comes women I like. My brain now rules that roost. If logic says no, that's it I'm walking away. Am I better off then? No.

She taught me how to pick myself up, and wipe off the dust and keep moving. I learnt that I am unbreakable. I might become bent out of shape, but sooner or later, I will straighten myself out and keep it moving. You will bend me but you will never break me. Am I better off then? Yes.

I pay more attention to people's actions and words. I spend more time observing than participating. Am I better off then? Maybe.

I lost several of my friends when shit hit the fan. That's the problem with having mutual friends. I was warned by one of our mutual friends that when shit hit the fan it would fracture the group and I would in all likelihood end up being the one to walk away from the group. I should have listened as it cost me several people who I'd known well and had planned to work on projects with. Am I better off then? No.

Am I happier now that we're not together? Yes.

SOO am I better off then for having had the relationship? I begrudgingly have to answer Yes.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

It's Friday!!!!!!!!!!!
  • It's been a great couple of days and I do mean great! A fair number of ups and downs but great overall.
  • School's back in session so lots of reading to do. I have 2 classes - 1 in law and the other in systems.
  • RC classes continue and I'm really getting into the swing of things. I'm also learning from my classmates who are out in the Emergency Management field and their input on the problems that technology causes is really an eye opener. Through them I've also begun to pick up on what software I need to be learning. AWESOME! Class tomorrow morning ... not so awesome.
  • I've been looking into PhD programs as I mentioned in an earlier post and this week I met with recruiters from New Zealand, UK and Canada. It was a great networking opportunity and because I already have a rough idea of what I want my thesis to be in, they were better able to point me in the right direction for resources on their campuses.
  • Had job interviews that went soo well I actually have an offer. I am weighing accepting it or passing on it. There will be very large trade-offs either way. I need to have reached a decision by Sunday and I have a headache from thinking it through ... a workmate pointed out that its a good thing to be stressed out by having an offer as you could be just as stressed without an offer.
  • Lots of stuff going on with my family. Mostly good. I hope to be able to post on it soon. I jus need to get permission ... you'll understand why when I post.
  • Belated Happy Bairthday to Sheena! She has rounded the quater century mark.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Random Post: My sister keeps getting hit on by queer women

As the title says totally random. Over the last 4 weeks my sister has been hit on by queer women on an average on 3 for her 1 for me. That has me thinking, I've got to be doing something wrong or I'm living in the wrong city. We've been joking about it being a sign that she really needs to reconsider her straightness. That we both got hit on at the same time the last time we were together really has me scratching my head.

My sis is a good sport about it and now has my blessing to send the kindly women my way. There's a new lesbian spot that opened up in DC that she was invited to so we are hitting it up the next time that I visit her (well the next time that she is able to go clubbing).

BTW, if you are in Chicago, Lenelle Moïse is in town on Thursday at Columbia U.

Tuesday Beat: Miriam Makeba - Jikel eMaweni

The late and great Mama Africa performed during the Graceland Concert in 1987. It is a concert that is near and dear to my heart because I was in the crowd with my father. Enjoy some of Southern Africa's finest.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday Beat: Malaika - Never Change My Mind

I am feeling nostalgic so the rest of this month's music will be some home stuff.

The video says it all and my posting it was inspired by Journey_Wmn's posted on just being herself. Song is really about how we deal with the external environment. Do we stick to what we feel is right for us or do we go by what everyone else wants us to say or do.

Translated roughly:
I don't care about what other people say or think. I've heard them speak and say we shall not make it. I don't care if you are big, I promise I will never ever change my mind. I love you I have chosen you. I will never ever change my mind.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

Salut! I have been a professional slacker but with good reason.
  • Lots going on and several things coming into fruition. It's really looking to be a period of productivity. I am feeling good about the progress that I'm making and trust that we'll move even further.
  • School's kicking off so we're on the home stretch. November is on the horizon. I'm still looking at PhD progs and have a grad school fair next week. Beauty of it is that it's schools from around the world so I'm stoked. BTW if I choose to go the academia route, it's to be in Informatics not Computer Science.
  • I realised this summer that I've learnt and taught myself a lot over the last couple of months. Some tech stuff is second nature now and I've learned a website CMS. You know you're making strides when you email your main contact in tech support and he has never heard of your error because you've gone up a level from the regular user questions.
  • I've got my first 2 certifications through RC and have another 8 or so to clear in the coming months.
  • I'm in dire need of sleep. Late nights and early mornings have begun to take a toll on me. After work I used to pull 2 hours of studying, 2 hours of tv/ web browsing, 1 hour of phone (don't ask). Now it's 1 hour studying, 2 hours tv / browsing / school research, 2 hours on phone (with good reason - major change in priorities). And NO I'm not seeing anyone.
  • Best response that I've ever heard to a what happened to you question: "A roof, a floor and a lot of space in between".
  • Lenelle Moïse is going to be in town in 2 weeks. For the locals who wish to catch her performance and workshop, check the Columbia U (chicago) website.
Happy long weekend folks! Be safe out there. And our regularly scheduled programing will resume next week Tuesday.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday Beat: J-Shin - If I Fall in Love

Putting out some good vibes
It’s been 3 months, 4 days, 5 seconds till the minute,
But who’s counting?
And I ain’t never ever, not once thought about bouncing
They say you shouldn’t ask questions
you don’t wanna know the answer to
But I’m gon’ answer you
See, I could be in love with you
but you would not believe it
And I could say I love you
When you say it to make things easy
But, I’ve been down this road a time or two
That’s why I only say
What I feel for you

Monday, August 31, 2009

From Staceyann Chin - Baby Makes Me film

PLEASE POST ON YOUR BLOGS, SITES, LISTS etc. Help us reach the folks we need.

Many of you have already heard about our film, Baby Makes me. For you, this is an update. But for the folks who have not heard Tiona and I are making a documentary together.

For years, I have wanted to become a mother. But the timing has never been quite right. Either my partners weren’t ready, or I was scared, or I couldn’t find a donor or something. There was always something. By the time I rolled into 35, I was tired of being afraid, tired of waiting for the right woman with whom it would be the right time, tired of watching every Christmas roll over another Birthday, tired of watching my peers get knocked up and months later appear with the most amazing little bundle of potential—I was tired of waiting and ready to make the leap, and I was ready to make it alone.

I began the research with great heart—only to discover that there were little no resources for women who either wanted to, or had to embark on the journey of motherhood in the solo. There were one or two essays and a few books on artificial insemination, and some were even directed at lesbians—but most, if not all assumed that the mother would be operating from inside of a partnership, be that partnership heterosexual or homosexual.

The idea for the film came out of a conversation with Tiona to film the pregnancy/labor, assuming that there would be one—because no one, least of all me, knows if my body will cooperate in doing such a thing as conceiving. I envisioned Tiona asking a couple of heartfelt questions and spinning the light to create a high-end home-movie I could show my child at eighteen. She agreed and we began to flesh out some ideas. That conversation, coupled with the lack of resource material out there spurred the project now known as Baby Makes Me.

Baby Makes Me, a feature-length documentary, will explore the challenges and triumphs of Single Motherhood, particularly in the lives of women of color, lesbians and women who make a conscious choice to be mothers in the absence of intimate/romantic partnerships with men.

The film will use as its narrative skeleton, the journey of activist/writer/performer, Staceyann Chin, as she navigates her personal choices with reference to motherhood. Author of the memoir, The Other Side of Paradise, Chin now brings her talents to the medium of film as writer and Executive Producer.

The Director, Tiona McClodden, is a champion of promoting positive images of women in media. Her last film, “Black./womyn.:conversations…”, garnered much respect in both accolades and awards. She now brings her attention to the issue of women and motherhood.

It is our intent to interview a series of women from all the demographic cross-sections. Issues of financial, ethical, medical, cultural, and political relevance will be fore-grounded. We hope that clinics, hospitals, families, children of Black lesbians, straight Black women who want children, mothers of gay women who lament the loss of grandchildren when they discover their daughters are gay, and anybody who seeks to have a clearer picture of the family that includes gay women will see that our lives go on, that women who are single, be they lesbian, or Black or poor, can and do have babies, and that we are simply another group of people who live and laugh and grow. We hope to paint the subjects in the film as human and likable characters who, though they are dealing with slightly different challenges than the women we traditionally see as mothers, are not very different from any other group of people considering parenthood.

We are going to need all the help we can get. We need help in reaching out to folks who would like to be interviewed; other single mothers, women who have been inseminated, women who are thinking about it, women who work in the medical field, women who work in the administrative world of policy etc. We are on the hunt for the all the voices that could represent our story in the film.

We have recently been awarded a grant from ASTREA Lesbian Foundation for Justice and are set to move forward. We write to you now, in the hope that you will want to be involved in this groundbreaking project in whatever capacity you choose: we need space to host fundraisers and screening and other events connected to the film. We need people to fundraise, to promote the film, to host community talks, to suggest topics for discussion in the film—we need to secure additional investors, we need the help of people who are experts in the business of making films, and we need the counter-perspective of people who have never made a film. We are hoping to make this a community effort; from start to finish we want the ideas to be representative of the various factions in our diverse village of the women who mother our children. If you are sure you are unable to do any of the above, we only ask that you make room for our fliers, questionnaires, invitations, and other promotional materials for the film.

We would be honored if you would join us as we attempt to break more ceilings, level more walls to make room those of us who are too frequently left out of the history and imagination of the world we live in. We look forward to a spirited journey with you, from the opening shot to the ending credits—complete with your name listed among the most stalwart of our supporters.

Thanks again to the women who have already offered assistance. We look forward to your being a part of our process.

Staceyann Chin
Executive Producer/Writer, “Baby Makes Me”
Tiona McClodden
Director/Producer, “Baby Makes Me”

Please send all inquiries and requests to:

Repost people

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Travel: ATL - DC - COL

Over the past weekend I took a wee bit of a road trip. For a total of 81 hours of travel and some 2200 miles I rode through 10 states. I don't want to sit in a car again for that much time for a LONG TIME.

In Atlanta I met several queer ladies. I caught breakfast (at 5am) with someone at a diner in North ATL and I met 2 couples. Person I was with did not believe me when I first pointed them out and said they were lesbian couples. Anyway after breakfast we were paying and one of the ladies calls me over. They then ask me if the person that I was grabbing breakfast with was my girlfriend. Guess we was looking quite chummy and my habit of rubbing her head might have given them that idea. Anyway I tell em no & they apologize for thinking I'm gay & I tell em it's all good cause I am. They then invited us to an event. Would have loved to attend but I had other states to visit during this trip.

Second queer group was a pair of studs that I met while catching dinner in ATL. We gave each other the head nod that's family recognizing family.

Second official stop was DC. Had to see my sis. I love her new place. It was nice to just kick it with her. We did spend a lot of time talking over things and plans for the next year. No sight seeing on this trip. On my way to DC I saw several car accidents and 1 that was a 10 car pile up. They had to close down the interstate for at least 2 hours. The car that started it had no doors and roof. Front was smashed up and I'm fairly certain noone got out of that car alive. The rest of the cars in the pile up had moderate damage and most of the occupants walked out of their own cars.

Third official stop was Columbus, OH. Had to stop by and see the bro. He's looking pretty good and I like his new place too. I also stopped by to see a friend's mom and dad who were in town from Kenya. I try to see them every time that they make it in. Took the bro wit me to see em and they were pleasantly surprised to see him.

I had hoped to stop by and see my new "nephew" Cole on the drive back but I ended up leaving Columbus later than planned.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Travel: I smell a roadtrip

Ok so maybe i am already on one. I'm down south and should be heading towards the east coast tomorrow. Planning to swing by home state OH on Sunday before heading back to the chi. SO no weekly rundown this week though i'll summarize the trip on monday.
Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Random Post: Nthati Moshesh in The Long Run - A South African Film and Round Trip

South African Actress Nthati Moshesh has potrayed several characters that I am fond of, both straight and queer. I love that she plays characters that you can't help but sympathize with.

In Round Trip she portrays a Ghananian immigrant in Israel who takes up baby sitting in exchange for room and board. She eventually becomes involved with the mother of the kids that she is babysitting. Her back story is a little confusing, as she was dating a French lady while living in Nigeria and has a son with a decidedly South African name. There are a lot of layers in this movie and I highly recommend watching it in its entirety. You can see a highly summarized version of her character's story on YT here. It's a 2 part piece. For a full synopsis of the movie check IMDB.

I saw the movie The Long Run shortly after I arrived in the US and it has remained one of my fav movies from home. I was elated to discover that it was being streamed in its entirety on IMDB so if you would like to see it check it out here. Nthati Moshesh is the lead in it and portrays a Namibian immigrant living in South Africa who encounters Barry, a bloke who sees her potential and wants to train her for the Comrades marathon, a race of note in South Africa. No the bloke is not a perv, and you can't help but feel sorry for him as the story progresses. Anyway time permitting do check it out.

image courtesy of TVSA

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday Beat: Karl Wolf - Yalla Habibi

I thought I'd throw this one in for the hell of it. It's not exactly a love song. Lebanese Canadian bloke whose music I listen to on occasion. Shayne Ward (English), Burhan G (Danish), Karl Wolf and Shawn Desman (Portuguese Canadian) will be forever linked in my mind as I discovered their music around the same time. Last week we had Shayne Ward this week it's Wolf. We had Desman a few weeks back. Next week we have a throw back, 1982 to be exact, and an '05 song that borrows from it.
Yalla Habibi
We can go
Far away
To a sunny place
Yalla Habibi
We can fly
To a place and hide
So we can spend time
Yalla Habibi
I miss the cuddlin’
Miss the kissin’
And miss the way you touch me
Why don’t we enjoy the beauty of life?
Yalla Baby

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Portraits of Chicago

I came across this sign while walking around the other day. If you click on the photo and enlarge it you'll see that sign #2 reads Tropical Time Jerk Chicken. You can get your cash loan on the counter to the right and your chicken to go on the left.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

I feel like the cat to the left. My hair is in tufts at this point. Last week was classified as an o shit weekend, this week we are in the bloody buggering hell category.
  • Another week has gone by with the usual mix of work, sleep, RC training, and dancing in the park. Speaking of dancing in the park, my abs hurt like the dickens courtesy of yesterday's dance class. I am getting old I tell you.
  • Now for one who hasn't made it out to church much in recent memory, I've said a lot of praise hims this past week. Beautiful women abound and I must say they make life that much more interesting - yes that's my inner frat boy talking. I enjoy flirting with women and do try to keep it clean so that they are not offended. Today I volunteered at a function where I met and flirted with a few ladies. Safest starting point was the shoes as these women were on point - no pun intended. My order of complimenting is shoes, dress, hair / accessories. Never fails.
  • I'm going to be posting eye brow raising / snicker worthy / random Chicago photos every Sunday. Eye brow raising in a good way, for example at a construction site there is a sign that reads beware of falling material. A good sign you think? Well it is posted on a fence that surrounds a construction site that's has a hole in the ground as they've started on the foundation. What the hell are we expecting to have fall from the sky? Dust? I'm jus saying remove the damn sign.
  • I've discovered that I handle work stress a lot better than I handle personal stress.
  • I'm picking up more tech projects at work which is nice. I am less likely to get rusty that way.
Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday Beat: Shayne Ward - Breathless

Two of my favorite songs by Shayne Ward. Around 2:40 on Breathless he hits some notes that never fail to send a shiver down my spine.
You leave me breathless
You’re everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can’t believe that you’re mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you’re leaving me

No U Hang Up
You can keep me up on the phone all night
We say lets hang up on 3 but we don’t ever do it
Aint it crazy how after all this time
We got that you hang up no you hang up kinda love
We got that you hang up no you hang up kinda love

Friday, August 7, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

Tis Friday!!!!!!!!
  • Sorry I missed last week ... I got blindsided by a few things. When my family has O SHIT moments we go all out.
  • I love the Chi! Chicago summer dance is one of my favorite activities ever. I love dancing in the park. All the lovely women ... sigh. I can now cha cha cha, salsa, mambo, chicago step ... my two left feet are well trained. I love that poeple don't mind switching partners so I've danced with blokes and lasses whom I've met on the floor so I never feel bad for showing up alone.
  • I'm getting better at introducing myself to ladies that I like. I think that one lady that I've met might be queer too. We met in the buffet line and I later stopped by her office to introduce myself properly. I've just realized that I am about two thirds into my summer break and I haven't had a lot of time to work on the dating situation.
  • I am training with the RC in disaster relief technology. Lots of reading I tell you but I'm learning stuff that I actually will use so it's not all painful.
  • Haven't had a chance to see what's happening on the African Queer circuit so I'll throw something in next week.
  • I'll be checking out the Chicago Ginza festival tomorrow so I'll put up photos if I remember to take my camera with me.
Have a good weekend poeple!

image extracted from Carollaradioblog

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesday Beat: Martin Kember - Driving Myself Insane

All I want is you ... song says it all.
You already know.
Love's capable
Can't you see who's been there all along.
And I know I can be wrong.
Oh tell me why...

Did I have to fall in love with you.
I'm drivin myself insane.
But I know.
Without you I can't function no more.
And you, will never look at me the same.
You know it's really drivin me insane.
But I know.
Without you I can't function.
I'm drivin myself insane [x2]

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday Beat: Double Play - Shawn Desman Nobody and Jordin Sparks Next To You

Tis the last Tuesday of the month and I thought I'd throw in a lover's double play. First up is Shawn Desman with Nobody. That's my song of the moment. Yes, I'm still highlighting the not so new stuff.
When I think about my baby
I think how lucky I am
To have somebody who can love me
Love me for who I am
Girl for me you just are so perfect
Just the way you are
No matter where, we go from here
You'll alway have my heart

And I realize what I got, so I never take it for granted girl
And no matter how far away, I will stay true to you, yeah

Second is Jordin Sparks with Next to You from her first album.
Maybe were friends
Maybe were more
Maybe it's just my imagination
But I see you stare just a little too long
And it makes me start to wonder
So baby call me crazy
But I think you feel it too
Maybe I, Maybe I
Just got to get next to you

Friday, July 24, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

  • Quite a good week dare I say. A few rough patches here and there did very little to put a damper on the week.
  • RC training is officially on!
  • A friend of mine got a job so congrats to him! Another doing the interview rounds and it's looking promising.
  • 1 week off and all I've done is lounge, catch up on movies and sleep. Come Sunday it's back to the trenches. I need to sit for the GRE exam before Sept 15 if I have any intention of getting into a fully funded PhD program. I'd be getting in in the Fall of 2010 so I have about 12 months to get in as much play time as possible. This is backup plan # 3. Why a PhD? Well when I was in elementary school I really wanted to be Dr "Ty" by the time I was 30. As such I was nicknamed professor by the fam and am still called that to this day.
  • I spoke to my mama, albeit through text messages and she is doing well.
  • Work is coming along. I think I've hit my stride with the tech projects that I've been getting. As the new school year approaches some people are leaving and some are coming in. It is indeed a time for renewal.
  • If you are in the Boston area, there is a showing of the South African film Society. More info on the viewing can be found here. I wrote a bit about the film here. BTW Sibulele Gcilitshana, who plays Beth, is quite lovely.
  • Next Friday marks the return of Cherry Bomb on AfterEllen. Can't wait!
Have a wonderful weekend and be safe out there!

image courtesy of *there is some redundancy in the caption at the bottom of the image.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Random Post: Society - A South African Film / Mini Series

As many of you know I like to stop by AfterEllen every so often in order to keep up with what's going on. Today I was not disappointed. They reviewed the movie "Society" which is taken from the South African mini series of the same title. To read the full review click here. I hear it is doing the rounds at film festivals in the US but I have not yet been able to locate a schedule. I am so looking forward to seeing it.
The story of four affluent South African women who are “making it” in post-apartheid Johannesburg, Society is actually a miniseries that has been re-cut into a feature film, and is currently playing at film festivals in the U.S.

Ten years out of high school and less than two decades after the end of apartheid, four twenty-something women are chasing the new African dream

Inno (Lele Ledwaba) is a climatologist who features prominently on TV. She’s a minor celebrity who obsesses over fashion and her various boyfriends. Beth (Sibulele Gcilitshana) is a schoolteacher; in fact, she’s the only black teacher at a prominent private girls school. She’s also a lesbian — but more on that later.Akua (Zandile Msutwana) is a banker and a real jet setter, while Lois (Sam Tyelbooi) is married and pregnant. She’s forced to turn down life as a doctor in order to accept being a wife and mother, a fact that she’s not terribly happy about.

The film actually opens on them in bed, waking up on the morning of their third anniversary. They’re happy and in love, but it soon becomes evident that Beth is still living deep inside the closet (no thanks to the strict cultural norms and the oppressive atmosphere she finds at work), a fact that irks Thuli to no end.

Beth in particular is at a cultural crossroads. She’s living a secret life with an out partner, too terrified of the judgment that she sees everywhere in her world. Caught between the modern concept of a loving same-sex relationship and keeping everything “private," she’s forced to confront her own internalized homophobia — and the traditional attitudes about what is normal and what isn’t.
Extracted from AfterEllen - Review of "Society" by Danielle Riendeau July 21, 2009

Tuesday Beat: Maxwell - This Woman's Work

The man is back with a new CD Black Summers' Night that I am loving. The song Phoenix Rise is probably may fav on it. Today we take it back to the days of Love & Basketball with This Woman's Work.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

IIIIIIIIItttttttttt'''''''sssss FRIDAY!
  • I'm coming off of a roller coaster week. It started hella low and built up so I'm not complaining.
  • I got through the interview with the RC and I'm in! YAY! Now I'm plowing through paperwork so that I can begin training. I really am looking forward to volunteering with them since it's free training and I get to do what I like. I mean this is me test driving my dream job.
  • I finished a tech project that's been on my plate for a lil over a month. 5 weeks of work and all that I have to show for it is 10 lines of code that work perfectly... at times life just flows.
  • A mate of mine recently got some of her work published as part of an anthology.
  • At times I feel like everything falls into place of it's own accord.
  • BTW I've had people guessing who I was talking about 2 posts ago. Thus far 2 people have guessed my past crush correctly.
  • I realized that I haven't spoken to my mom in almost 3 weeks. VERY unusual. I think the longest that I've gone in the past is a week and a half. It's been a combo of her traveling and my just not feeling like going a round with her. I'll call her tomorrow and see how she's doing.
Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday Beat: Taj Munroe - Guilty Innocence

As you might have noticed by now, most of my Tuesday beats are not new music. I have lots of new music (it pays to be a former radio personality) but I like to play the not so new stuff. It just depends on my mood when I select it. Today we have Taj. Enjoy some RnB ...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Half Penny Post: Insanity Reigns

My bad for being M.I.A for a few. I know I owe you a recount of my travels from last week as well as a weekly rundown. I hope to do a combo post on Friday.
Shit hit the fan and for some bloody reason the fan jus keeps on blowing. Digging out of this mess will require a lotta elbow grease and a big ass shovel. I actually have a tension headache from this mess and I broke down and took some meds for it. I accept full responsibility for my part in this whole fiasco. Now where did I leave my coveralls and wellingtons ... might as well get to work. BTW the insanity officially began with my phone taking an unsanctioned swim.
Other than the shit and the fan can't say much else is going on.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday Beat: TLC - No Scrubs

We're taking it back a lil with this one. This used to be THE jam.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Travel: I smell a roadtrip

I smell a road trip coming soon. Why do people insist on moving during the hottest days of the year? I'll post on where I end up if I do get out of town.

Tuesday Beat: Marco Hernandez - The Way I Do

Trying to spread some good love karma...
Your kiss, your smile, your mind
You're sunlight in my eyes
I miss your breath on my neck
When we whisper in the night

Didn't wanna want you
Didn't wanna need you so bad
Didn't wanna wake up
And find that I was falling so fast
Didn't wanna need you
Didn't wanna need anyone
Now look what you've done

Now I can't go on without you
I'm naked, I cant fake it.
I'm not that strong without you
Never thought I could love you the way I do.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Half Penny Post: Chicago Pride

It's Pride yet again this year. Twas indeed a fine day for it. Lots of people turned out, came out and hung out of their clothes. Twas a fine day indeed to be gay! I had originally planned to walk in the parade as an offer had been extended. The conversation with my mama last night threw me off and I decided not to walk. I did show up to meet and greet and have an all around good time. I met a friend while I was watching and it was nice to see a familiar face.

I am another 3 shades darker because I forgot to put on some sunscreen. Anyway below are a few shots from the parade. Can't say how many naked asses I saw courtesy of assless chaps.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

The week endeth thus. Hella hot! Summer is here no question about it.
  • Chi pride is this weekend. I'll post somn on Sunday evening after the parade. With luck I'll get to do one thing that I've been seriously considering doing. I'll post whether or not I succeed.
  • Did I mention that it is hot! I'm practically 3 shades darker now.
  • All in all a good week. I spent a good deal of my time researching Emergency Management certification. To get into my chosen field of Continuity Planning I'll need some sort of certification in EM and CP. I have the second half of the summer free so I'll be going through the FEMA online classes.
  • Tis been a sad week as Michael Jackson has passed on. Farrah Fawcett also passed on yesterday so t'was a two 'fer in a very sad way. An era has thus ended. O and Ed McMahon passed on as well. Now it bears mentioning that I met him in 2005 during graduation as he was he the speaker. And I do mean met as in I shook his hand and said hello.
  • At times I'm certain of where I'm going at times I'm not. At times I just am, neither moving nor standing still. This is one of those times.
  • In additional entertainment news, don't forget to watch the Lovers and Friends Show, part II has been posted.
  • Please vote for Dee Rees' Pariah on NetFlicks. Alix has a post on it along with some clips from the movie. Please please please VOTE for it!
“Pariah” seeks to personalize the struggles of gay/lesbian youth of color in such a way that evokes empathy, opens doors to communication, and promotes dialogue within families. The mission is to help gay and lesbian youth to understand that it’s okay to be themselves. The film also seeks to convince parents who are not accepting of their children’s sexual orientation that pressuring their child into a particular mode of behavior is unhealthy and is damaging to both the child’s psyche and to the parent/child relationship.
  • Anyway I'm randy as hell and we are talking jump into a cold lake randy... one of the side effects of summer.
Enjoy the weekend!