- The weather doesn't seem nearly as bad now. The -30F cold spell a few weeks ago put a lot of my weather issues into perspective. That's not to say it's not hella cold.
- I spent the better part of this week really stressed and frustrated and we're talking loss of appetite and general insomnia. Being a student has its downsides and I think I hit every bump in the road of education this week. Today I'm relatively relaxed and looking forward to spending the evening relaxing.
- We're still waiting on my ma's paperwork. The High Commission requested additional paperwork which was faxed in this morning so we wait yet again.
- Zimbabwe's leaders formed a "coalition" government. BS sayeth I. I'll believe it when Morgan is sworn in as prime minister. Also it seems some zimbas feel that the MDC sold out when they signed the agreement.
- Zimbabwe is officially using foreign currency as opposed to the local currency. I hear the ink used for printing the money is worth more than the value it is supposed to denote.
- Jenn & Dee recapped TLW 6.2.
- CherryBomb's also up.
- I'm pissed that The Chart is no longer around.
- Still waiting on Ep 5 of the Lover and Friends show. They need to put that episode up soon coz they promised to hook us up in January. There's one day left in January.
- I love being queer, I jus hate the way some people react to that aspect of my life.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Half Penny Post: Weekly rundown
Tis Friday yet again ... the days are going by so fast. This week's highlights or low lights depending on how one chooses to look at them:
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Half Penny Post: All the money
Well I made it home this morning after a night at Casa de la B2 aka Gate B2 in Philly. To Simon, your comment is duly noted.
If I had all the money in the world I would:
- Learn how to fly a plane
- Buy a Lear Jet
- Travel and see the 7 wonders of the world
- Visit all the continents except for the 2 ice cubes
- Go white water rafting all over the world
- Go bunjee jumping over the Amazon river
- Go zip lining in Costa Rica
- Work only 6 months out of the year
- Build a school for women and see to it that everything is provided for the students
- Start a micro business consulting firm so that I can work with women in coops
- Learn how to sail
- Consult on business continuity planning
- Buy houses in Zimbabwe, a beach front condo in Durban, a condo in Chicago, a flat in Brighton, a house in the south of Spain and house in Umtata
- Learn how to speak Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Hindi and German fluently
- Live & work in China, India, italy, Japan, Ecuador, Australia and Canada
- Become a dual citizen of Canada and England
- See to it that my mother wants for nothing
- Settle down with a woman perfect with all her imperfections
- Adopt a little girl from Zimbabwe
- Start a scholarhsip fund focused on on females from Zimbabwe
- Work for the UN in field services in technology
- Work pro bono for some grassroot organozations doing work in HIV awareness
- Create a foundation that provides grant money to non profits that provide services for women & children primarily
- Swim in every ocean except for the Antarctic and Arctic
- Work with organizations to see how services can be provided to LGBT youth
- Return all of the hospitality that I have received over the years
- Spend at least 1 day in every country in Africa.
- Maintain a roster of 3 cars (sport, SUV / truck, sedan) and 1 motorcyle
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Travel: DC & KW
*Update: I did get to pay homage to boiled lobsters or in this case roasted lobsters. I spent 3 glorious hours in the Key West sun and am certifiably darker. I am back in Charlotte awaiting my flight back to the Chi. You know you've been to an airport too many times when the customer service agent says to you "O I remember you."
Friday, January 23, 2009
Half penny post: Bounds and Leaps
Tis friday and thus the day for my run down:
- Thanks for the comments. To answer questions- Tis true the anticipation of the weekend is why I love Thursdays. I spent soo much time in South Africa while growing up, I might as well have applied for permanent residency.
- Today was a beautiful day. If I could have given it a theme song it would have been "Swagger Like Us". My swagger was on point.
- This week, while insane and wrought with ups and downs, was marginally better than the previous week. I've almost got a handle on my weekly schedule and am slowly ramping up the number of activities.
- I realized something this afternoon - as I am trying to find a job, I really have no business getting myself into a relationship. Depending on where I end up employed, I could be across town or halfway around the world. Someone I know recently relocated across the pond to be with her beau. I'm thinking this might not be an option considering the laws against homosexuality that are in place in many countries.
- I have yet another niece (born on Tuesday) by my cousin Leviticus. Levi was nicknamed thus due to her piety. The clan on my mother's side is growing by leaps and bounds.
- My ma's paperwork has hit a snag and it'll be another 6 weeks according to the consulate. This is really going to depress my mum. We've now got to plan for the next 6 weeks to make sure that she has groceries and all other necessities.
- On a lighter note, have you seen the new Durex ad? Check it out here.
- Cherry bomb is back. First topic of the year is serial monogamy.
- Jenn & Dee are also back with their recap of TLW.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Half penny post: Do over
Well it's official, the US has a new president so congratulations! A quick comment about his oath: we were joking about his needing a do over yesterday and today I discovered that he did indeed redo it.
Also of note, you have an African president. You are what your father is hence he is African or Kenyan to be more precise.
And did you see the man cut a rug? Ain't never seen a president dance that well.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Half penny post: 5 random facts
It's a beautiful morning so thought I'd share 5 random facts about myself.
- Fav ice-cream: Rum n Raisin
- Fav item of clothing: Socks
- Fav day of the week: Thursday
- Fav time of the day: Late night
- Number of piercings: 9 (I only wear jewelery in 3 of them though)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Half penny post: Pushing through
My ass is officially 2 shades lighter no thanks to the cold weather.

I've been trying to keep up with what's going on on the ground in Zimba and it's been mighty depressing. Inflation is 231 million percent. A figure that I can't even fathom. I speak to my mum as often as I can to make sure that she is doing ok. There has been an outbreak of cholera and there are all sorts of shortages. Every transaction is done in foreign currency. This post on Kubatana really made me that much more down. I really do hope my mum's paperwork comes through soon.
It's been a rough couple o days as I've been adjusting to the new course load. I did feel a lil overwhelmed during the middle of the week and that was further exercebated by weather. The second half of the week was spent trying to stave of a bout of depression that I feel trying to come on.

I'm currently watching Jeff Dunham and I-Robot simultaneously. I love Peanut (inappropriate as hell) and Achmed (the dead terrorist ). I just realized something while watching I-Robot, the car that Will Smith drives in the movie was the prototype (2004 -l) for the car that I am infatuated with - the Audi R-8 (2008 -r).
I was on the UN website looking for jobs and came across a posting that had the perfect job. I saw it and just fell short of jumping up and down. It's in business continuity planning, technology, business and in several different countries. Where do I sign up???? Graduation is around the corner so job hunting is now one of my part time jobs. SOO if you know of anyone who is hiring or has a trainee program, let me know please.
Teach Tolerance,
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Half penny post: US Airways plane crash

I feel obligated to comment on the plane crash that happened today in NYC.
A US Airways jet on its way from New York's LaGuardia Airport to Charlotte, N.C., made an emergency landing in the icy-cold Hudson River on Thursday afternoon. Early reports indicated that all of the more than 150 people onboard were evacuated safely.Now I'm sure you are wondering why I felt obligated to comment
Read more here...
- US Airways was my airline of choice.
- I flew out of LaGuardia this past Sunday on my way to OH.
As the flight attendant likes to say "In the unlikely event of a water landing your seat cushion may be used a flotation device. Simply pull it up, fit your arms through the straps and hold it against your chest. A life vest is located under your seat. To inflate simply pull on the tab. If additional inflation is required, you may do so by blowing into the red tube... Please wait until you have exited the plane to inflate your vest."
Now I personally am a fan of sitting in the exit row aka the the first class of coach. If shit goes down I'm the first one out.
Now why would I know the air spiel by heart? Well, I took at least 52 flights (those are the stubs that I could find) between Sept 1 '08 and Jan 12 '09.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Half penny post: Hella Cold

To respond to a comment, if Key West didn't have the heat, poeple would show up in time to board, forget the 1 hour rule.
Side tale: While on my way to Philly from DC I had an interesting enounter. As we were riding a sneeze horsepower plane, we had to catch a bus to get to it. Cust serve checked everyone in and loaded the bus, did final boarding call and everything. The bus leaves the gate & gets to the plane. Lo and behold no flight crew. They forgot to tell the crew that the plane was on the tarmac so the crew was chilling in the break room.
Journey to Enlightenment has a poll going. Which of Rev Run's daughters is hotter: Vanessa or Angela? I voted in favor of Vanessa in case you were wondering.
I am currently suffering through Peter Senge’s book The Fifth Discipline. I get the gist of the book but the man will put you to sleep.
I am the proud aunt of Owami (ours) Khethiwe (chosen) Dube by one of my cousins. My sister is already plotting kids wardrobe from abroad.
I am hoping my mum's paperwork comes through soon so that she can fly over.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Travel: DC
M back in DC before heading back to Chicago later on tonight. It has been a wild ride and I've slept in a total of 3.5 airports. I now consider airports to be as good as a free hotel, if you can find a warm clean spot.
I've done all sorts of weather from the 4 inches of snow in Boston to the 75 degree weather in KW.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I think Boston's airport has the seats most meant to accommodate overnight guests. Philly has hospitality down pat, they give you a pillow, blanket, some crackers and water. Charlotte is a cold mess, chairs are hard and they turn the heat down until I swear it is colder inside than outside. The Key West airport was a hoot, so small you check in and go through security simultaneously. They can only check in one plane at a time which is hilarious. They have no waiting room ticket-side so you wait outside or at the beach if it's going to be more than 20 minutes.
I've done all sorts of weather from the 4 inches of snow in Boston to the 75 degree weather in KW.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I think Boston's airport has the seats most meant to accommodate overnight guests. Philly has hospitality down pat, they give you a pillow, blanket, some crackers and water. Charlotte is a cold mess, chairs are hard and they turn the heat down until I swear it is colder inside than outside. The Key West airport was a hoot, so small you check in and go through security simultaneously. They can only check in one plane at a time which is hilarious. They have no waiting room ticket-side so you wait outside or at the beach if it's going to be more than 20 minutes.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Travel: Boston and Columbus
Boston got killed with snow last night and I was there to witness it complete with my newly acquired tan. Nice contrast in weather if you ask me. I managed to walk the entire historical trail but had to call it a night not too long after. Off to Columbus ... btw I've managed to collect shot glasses at every city that I've been to.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Travel: Key West
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Travel: I'm off again
Update: I blog from the humble floor at the Chartlotte NC airport. I've already had to make a change to my itinerary. I had to skip Vegas due to a logistical problem created by a delay in the plane's departure from Chicago. I'd have barely had time to see the city before needing to return to the airport to catch the flight to Charlotte so I flew directly here instead and am an airport guest for the next 11 hours and 30 mins (can't find the bus into town).
I'm taking the proposed last trip of this quarter and am planning to leave tonight! After this weekend my ass has class Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. I shall in essence have no life.Proposed cities are
Monday, January 5, 2009
Half Penny Post: Gotta Wonder
Well maybe we can make the last trip a noteworthy one. I've just discovered that I have Monday off next week and might use that to extend my proposed last hurrah before I have to batten down the hatches for the rest of the school year.
Anyway I've gotten to wondering, why do I love women ... I mean they are the bane of my existence much like my homework.
They are temperental, annoying, a pain in the ass all around and all that. Granted the same can be said for blokes. The same however cannot be said for PMS, MS and other reasons for moodiness (I forgot an "important" date, I'm late for dinner, I said somn stupid etc).
They are intelligent, articulate (most of the time), sexy as hell. They'll give you a run for your money in most arguments and have the power to make you forget everything with just a look. They can inspire you to be greater than you are (or grind you into dust).
Anyway I've got too much time on my hands if I'm contemplating all this.
Music: Mine Roots
Playlist 4 Beats from the motherland. Stuff that I grew up listening to. It's a mixed bag. Songs are:
- National anthem from a concert in Zimbabwe in early 90s I do believe. I was there for this one and remember being on my father's shoulders watching - tells you how old I am)
- Yvonne Chaka - Umqombothi (traditional brew song from way back when I was still in daipers)
- Platform 1 - Womyakazisa (again an old school group with song popular at weddings - Title talks about bride's duties)
- Makhendlas - Iminwe (party song from the late Makhedlas, fingers in the air)
- Oliver Mutkudzi - Tururu (Zim legend Tuku sings about how the king's son is important here but a servant in another village)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Half penny post: My o my
There is an L-word marathon on ShoToo and it is messing up my daily schedule. I have 2 hours daily dedicated to watching it which is not the wisest thing to do esp with classes starting tomorrow night. We're almost at the end of season 3 which I think had the most love scenes per episode. That I'm H as Hell is really not being helped by that. I need to reconsider this being single business.
Weekly run down (I forgot to do it on Friday)
Weekly run down (I forgot to do it on Friday)
- I have a brand spanking new NIECE. YAY!!!!!! I've been waiting for this kid to be born for an eternity. My cousin's wife gave birth last week and wow. It's hard to believe he is now a father considering that we are the same age and used to joke about who would have kids first. Anyway congratulations to him.
- I am waiting on another niece / nephew who is due this coming week or early next week if they take their sweet time arriving.
- New year, no resolutions made. I do however need to get on a workout plan. I am not planning to lose weight, more along the lines of gain muscle actually and strengthen my core muscles. I can no longer hold the plank position for 30 seconds and that does not bode well with me.
- Anyone in need of organic health supplements let me know. I'm expanding my business offerings.
- I am finally rested from all that traveling. Can't wait to do it again over the summer. I have one last trip to take then no more trips until May.
- I miss my mother.
That's it for today, 2 more playlists to go. Teach Tolerance,
Music: Mine Soul
Playlist 3. Contemporary Christian Music. Songs are:
Anthony Evans - Incredible
Mary Mary - I worship you
Brooklyn Tabernacle - Holy is the Lord
Kirk Franklin - Hosanna
Hillsong - You are here (Same Power)
Anthony Evans - Incredible
Mary Mary - I worship you
Brooklyn Tabernacle - Holy is the Lord
Kirk Franklin - Hosanna
Hillsong - You are here (Same Power)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Music: Mine Beat
Playlist 2. My fav song is El Strip Club. Dance beat songs are:
robin thicke - magic
baba khan fatman scoop - tonight
dj nelson - el strip club remix
mohamed - african tonik
musiq soulchild - radio
Friday, January 2, 2009
Music: Mine Heart Music
Part of my 5 playlists in 5 days challenge. I love music and am putting together a playlist of 5 songs daily til Tuesday (Mine Heart, Mine Beat, Mine Soul, Mine Roots, Mine Mix). Today's list is dedicated to mine (as in my own) heart. Songs are:
Me'shell Ndegeocello - Beautiful
Donell Jones - I Wanna Love You
Heather Headley - In My Mind
Craig David - So Unbelievable
Ne Yo - Feeling Better Today
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