- Quite a good week dare I say. A few rough patches here and there did very little to put a damper on the week.
- RC training is officially on!
- A friend of mine got a job so congrats to him! Another doing the interview rounds and it's looking promising.
- 1 week off and all I've done is lounge, catch up on movies and sleep. Come Sunday it's back to the trenches. I need to sit for the GRE exam before Sept 15 if I have any intention of getting into a fully funded PhD program. I'd be getting in in the Fall of 2010 so I have about 12 months to get in as much play time as possible. This is backup plan # 3. Why a PhD? Well when I was in elementary school I really wanted to be Dr "Ty" by the time I was 30. As such I was nicknamed professor by the fam and am still called that to this day.
- I spoke to my mama, albeit through text messages and she is doing well.
- Work is coming along. I think I've hit my stride with the tech projects that I've been getting. As the new school year approaches some people are leaving and some are coming in. It is indeed a time for renewal.
- If you are in the Boston area, there is a showing of the South African film Society. More info on the viewing can be found here. I wrote a bit about the film here. BTW Sibulele Gcilitshana, who plays Beth, is quite lovely.
- Next Friday marks the return of Cherry Bomb on AfterEllen. Can't wait!
Have a wonderful weekend and be safe out there!
image courtesy of http://bookmarketingbuzz.com/category/tgif-fun-day/ *there is some redundancy in the caption at the bottom of the image.
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