- I had an infinitely better week. While I'm still crazy stressed, I am feeling more like I can handle what's coming my way.
- I had 2 days off this week and did verrrrrryyyyyy little in the way of writing papers. I spent most of my time outside enjoying the weather and allergies be damned. Speaking of allergies, mine seem to have tapered off while those of some of my friends seem to be picking up.
- While I am sure this is true in many cities, I have got to say the road in Chi suck! The alignment on my car is going to need some TLC before we hit summer. While running an errand I saw a couple who'd lost a wheel, yes a wheel not the hub caps. Granted the car might not have been in peak condition, but still, a wheel lost is a wheel lost.
- Been playing catch-up on family gossip with my mother and I must say tales abound. I left home a long time ago and people seem to have forgottten that my mother has one other daughter. They will ask about my sister and forget me. When my mama mentions me, there's the shock then the qns abound, where is she, is she married, kids etc. I feel bad for her though because those who ask usually have kids younger than I am who are now "established", that is, married + career +/- kids. I am still in school with no settling down in sight.
- I hung out with some of my grad co-workers last night and we had quit a bit of fun. I love that my co-workers are open minded and are willing to discuss just about anything and we don't always have to agree. I love that we can discuss our relationships, or lack thereof, and the blokes will be giving me pointers based on what's worked for them in terms of maintaining long term relationships. Even the ladies will pitch in with what worked for them in the courting.
- I am gearing up for a drive to Arizona which I plan to make closer to the end of the month.
- Homework beckons so I shall wish ye a happy weekend. O and a happy Mother's day to all the mothers who read the blog.
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