Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Half Penny Post: Coming out constantly

Must be the spring air that has people in a contemplative mood. Several blogs and websites that I follow had articles that were a reflection on who the authors think they are juxtaposed against what the world sees them as. Caught a few Youtube vids on that as well. I'll philosophize on Friday during the weekly rundown (I know I still haven't posted last weeks either).

BTW thanks to those who've stopped by (or facebooked me) and given me feedback on the concerns posted previously. And a shoutout to Sheena who is hitting her diet milestones ... you go girl! Stay away from that Tempura.

I recently read a post on how people end up needing to constantly come out and didn't think too much of it. Today I had a conversation with one of my co-workers and had to come out halfway through it. Anyway convo started with him commenting on the fact that one of my top 3 cars is the Toyota Tacoma (crew cab, TRD sport package, black on black 6 speed automatic, custom audio system) which is unusal for a guy even moreso for a female. I love cars, and I do mean love em. I can sing the praises of 101 exotic and sport coupes. Cars are a minor obsession of mine (I get butterflies in my stomach when I look at certain cars - Veyron for one) and if I were wise I'd sign up for Car Lovers Anonymous. The convo wound it's way to the do you have a boyfriend and what are his thoughts on my car love. Funniest thing in the convo was him saying "gay like officially really gay" and I was like yup. He was cool about it. He hasn't met any queer Africans.

I chose to not come out directly to another co-worker last week when we were discussing my age and marriage plans. She was wondering if I was dating or would be considering dating in the near future. I gave out the standard party line "not enough hours in the day to date" and we continued chatting. I am still trying to figure out how we got squarely on the topic of wedding planning. Anyway I mentioned that were I to get hitched, the actual ceremony would be a private one, ie my partner, myself and the officiate and she was quite taken back by it. I personally consider the ceremony itself sacred and as such I do not feel the need to share that sacred space with anyone else. It is my partner and I committing ourselves to each other. Everyone is invited to the BBQ after we return from the honeymoon. I know my mum (and most of the family) will probably have a hard time with not being there to see me say I do, but that's just the way it is.

In case you are wondering what my 3 car choices are, Audi R8, Toyota Tacoma, Toyota Yaris (or Scion TC). BTW has anyone seen the Infinity Essence Concept? Tell me this car will not make you want to give up a few things.

I'll post answers to questions posed previously shortly.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the shout! i'm sure if you would have seen my manly breakfast, you wouldn't be cheering on my diet. :-0 i had to look up all three of your cars, haha. i feel you on the private ceremony and big bbq later.

