Friday, March 27, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

Salut, ca va? (Hey how's it going) Son Vendredi (Tis Friday)!!!!!! Happy end of week. Today it's 2 weeks worth of a run down. So here goes...
  • It's been a busy week. Worked everyday which is good but also means I'm behind on my personal projects.
  • I whooped Joomla ass this week and put up a site for a consulting company. There's quite a bit of tweaking to do, but I have the hardest part done.
  • I've been slacking a wee bit on my French lessons. Slowly building on single words, greetings, alphabet, numbers. I've taken to using the kids videos on Youtube.
  • Job hunt continues. I had a meeting to go over my resume again (My resume is on version 123.456.1 at this point) I've also got a meeting with a Dir of Business Continuity to see about lining up an internship for summer this coming Tuesday.
  • Lots of travelling coming up over the next month. I'm in DC quite a bit so it should be cool. I am also going to go home to OH hopefully while I'm at it.
  • I belong to a philosophy group (don't even think of rolling your eyes at me) and I must say the Argentine ladies in that group would be incentive enough for one to show up. Forget the stimulating discussion.
  • Had dinner with a friend the other night. T'was hella fun as we had good conversation and a spirited debate. I seem to be surrounded by people who are given to debating. I also spent half a night trouble shooting for a mate of mine (K, you are not forgiven for this one) and was almost late for work the next day.
  • I have completed reading the Financial pillar portion of the book Harmonic Wealth and have started on the relational pillar. Relationships are a challenge so we'll see how this section flows. Incidentally, today's Cherry Bomb vlog focused on settling in a relationship.
  • I travelled south last week and I feel the need to comment on the fact that they have gas stations called "Kum and Go". The 16 year old side of my mind could not help smirking everytime I drove by a sign.
  • Birthday season is upon us. Over the next 7 days I have 4 birthdays. Mine comes up a week later. Would you believe my birthday is on Good Friday ... my ass can't go out to celebrate.
  • I am debating the advantages of registering my company officially in Delaware and then getting an IL license. Hmm we'll see. Alternately since I'm strongly considering Montreal as my next city of residence, I might as well look into registering it there.
  • Off to do more web development work... and learn French.
  • BTW my web-mate Sheena is living it up in the French capital. Happy travels chica.
  • My mother continues to wait for a her passport.
  • I have a friend who is several months along with her pregnancy. She recently posted photos which got my sister and I talking about what we would name our kids if we ever had any. Turns out we agree on the 2 last names for the kid (the kid better be a good speller). We differ on the number of names the kid gets. She says 2 names I say 3, so Ty jr will need to learn how to write 5 items on their name sheet. It's the multiple heritage thing.
  • There's a new episode of Anyone but Me that has been posted on AE. I love the web series for reasons I cannot explain. It might be the good writing, or the simplicity (as in clean simple shots) of the series, the simple but complicated nature of the story lines .... anyway check it out if you have time. The webisodes are roughly 5 minutes each so they are good for a quick watch.
  • Cathy DeBuono has an interesting blog post entitled Mission Statements and Your Relationship. As I'm in the relational section of my book I thought it'd be a great resource to share.


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