Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Half Penny Post: Reflecting on a reading - Harmonic Wealthy

Ok I've been on a contemplative bend of late. I've been really rethinking things and working towards keeping a positive countenace while moving forward. I've also been reading life advancement books. I hate to call them self help books. So below is my first of several reflections on the book. Long post so you have been warned!

The book I'm reading now is Harmonic Wealth and the concepts presented are across a wide spectrum. There is Newtonian physics, quantum physics, different religious view and plain old common sense. It reiterates the Law of Attraction but goes further and brings in other scientific and spiritual ideas. When looking at harmony, there has to be be overall flow. Everything is energy, be is light or solid and as such it flows from one state to another ... stay with me on this. When we are setting our goals we have to be able to imagine them. First state. Next we have to be able to articulate them in great detail (smell, touch, sight). Second state. Two thirds of the work done already. Finally work with that goal in mind. Go over the bumps with the prize in mind.

Anyway while looking at spirituality he discusses who is or where is God. Most religions have a Deity of chose, save for the atheists. Anyway he concludes that God is everywhere and most specifically in you. He also concludes that heaven is in you. This is something that I had to ponder for a while and do actually agree with. Think nirvana for example.

Where I am in the book he is discussing the theory of chaos and relating it to wine making (told u the spectrum was wide). In winemaking grapes are kept under duress so as to produce the finest wine possible. Theory behind it is only the strongest grapes make it. In life, the same concept applies, we are constantly in a state of chaos and duress and it is when we get past it that we are at our finest. I am going to be worth a million US dollars by my twenty seventh birthday. I am not sure how but I am keeping my mind focused on that, it's been my goal since I turned 22. At times it feels as if I'm going backwards with this goal, but I do believe I am making headway. That's what my gut tells me. I can picture it in my mind. I have come to realize that it's not so much about the money. It's about the journey. It's about my growing personally to the point whereby I am able to achieve this and replicate it. It's about expanding all my capabilities so that I am able to handle bigger responsibilities. If I am going to faint at a thousand dollar problem, I will surely kill myself over a million dollar problem. As the amount of chaos in my life increases, how I respond will determine my how much closer I get to my goals. Fainting is not an option. We are going all the way.

I took a walk along the lake after work today as I needed to be outside to contemplate things. A thought hit me and I must say it was one hell of an epiphany. One of my goals in life is to get dual Canadian and British citizenship. Now how can I explain the fact that I have been fighting left and right to stay in the US instead of moving north? How do you get Canadian citizenship while living in the US? I really have been going about things backwards and need to start aligning my goals with my actions. O and I am learning French in preparation.

Yes I am spending a lot of time philosophizing and redefining myself, and I do believe it will pay off. I need to know myself before I can market myself properly.


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