Sunday, March 8, 2009

Half Penny Post: WTF Ilene, I mean seriously

I have just finished watching the last episode of the L-Word and all I have to say is WTF? Seriously? There were so many loose ends in this episode that I can't even begin to articulate them. Also whose bright idea was it and by bright I mean in which dimension is it acceptable to give us half a sex scene. You could honestly have skipped including it and given us a lil more somn else. Problem with that is that it begs the question a lil more what?
And don't even get me started on Sarah Shahi. Here I was hoping to see her interact with Shane one more time but I guess that was wishful thinking on my part. I should have known better.
Anyway it was nice to see some of the familiar faces from seasons past. I will miss my love hate relationship with the ladies and my Sunday nights are suddenly free. Quite the problem. I will miss Jennifer Beals' smile most of all. Same can't be said for Jenny's psychotic self.
Anyway back to the drawing board. Any shows that I need to start watching / DVRing since I don't quite have time to watch them?

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