Friday, March 6, 2009

Half Penny Post: Weekly Rundown

First off we'll take a moment to think of those who passed on this week. A friend of mine lost his grandmama and I felt for him. I've lost all my grandparents but the loss of my maternal grandma was the hardest. Also Tsvangirai (Zim's new Prime Minister) lost his wife earlier today in an accident that left him injured some so my condolences to his family as well.

On to this week's rundown:
  • I came across a song that has earned itself a place on this week's playlist. Tis the song Blush by Plumb and it is by no means a new song. Check it out on YouTube sometime. I'm partial to the fan vid that has I Can't Think Straight. My taste in music is across the board so at times I feel like some alternative rock, at times I'm feeling the Lord, at times we taking it back to EarthWind and Fire.
  • My website went live officially this week. So we now add hustle # 253,962 to my list of activities. I'm now also an Independent Technology Consultant. My sister thinks that it's funny that I named my website / consulting venture after my "alter ego" Ty.
  • The job search hustle continues ... I heard back from the fine folks at AfDevBank and I'm through to the next round. I'm vying for a spot on the DC April interview roster and a job with the organization that starts in August. I am thinking positive thoughts so ... I am going all the way. We are taking this to the bank literarily.
  • I'm all about connecting with and connecting people these days. That's my new thing so if you think I can be of assistance let me know, mostly tech stuff though.
  • BTW, I am trying to learn French and would appreciate any learning tools or website recommendations.
  • My ma is still waiting on her passport. It's been 3 months and it's really wearing her down as she can't travel to any of the neighboring countries.
  • Shout out to my fellow queer Zimba who I ran into on AE.
  • My phone screen took to the hills yesterday so my calling activities are limited to the numbers that I know by heart aka my sister only.
  • I'm on to my next life advancement book and it is Harmonic Wealth (sketchy title but a good and practical read). There needs to be harmony in your life for you to develop wealth in all aspects of it that is, financial (duh), spiritual, mental, relational and physical. Author is James Arthur Ray. As I read books, or listen to CDs, I've taken to writing summaries so that I can recall the main points. I think I'm going to post them on my site website. I'll put each week's links in the weekly rundown.
Teach Tolerance and have an awesome weekend!


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