Monday, March 2, 2009

Half Penny Post: Thoughts and other random things

I have the day off of work today so I've spent it lounging, online doing research, job hunting, paper writing, errand running etc. I do suffer from a case of ADD at times which is why I have 23 different things going at a given time.

Today's post is full of random bits and questions answered from Cherry Bomb a few weeks ago. Jr, I'm thinking this is a post that you might wanna skip as there might be things you don't wanna know about ur sis.
  • I'm beginning to encounter more African queers which I think is one of the coolest things. Even a Zimba or two have shown up and I am beyond ecstatic. AfterEllen is a great way to meet em.
  • Of all the fine actresses of color, I'm super hot for Sanaa Lathan, Sheetal Sheth and Nicole Pina.
  • I've developed an interest in spoken word and YouTube being the necessary evil that it is means that I've watched a lot of Def Poetry.
  • I've developed a great dislike for shirt wearing. If I'm at home and in my room, odds are pretty good I'm shirtless. Yes I love my body that much.
Truth or Strip
Have you ever walked in on someone doing something that they shouldn't have been? What?
Friends in college getting their swerve on. I didn't even know the 2 knew each other. I blame this on class being let out early.
What's the strangest thing you've done to get a person's attention?
No idea. I talk to people that's about it really.
If you could get $25,000 for stripping naked on TV would you?
Nope. How much would it take? A hella lot.
Have you ever considered being a stripper? Why?
Who doesn't want to be called Hot Chocolate or Juicy Peach or whatever they call strippers these days? NOT!
Have you ever fantasized about having sex in a public place or actually done it?
Strip: Socks
What's something sexual that you used to think of as vulgar and inappropriate and now don't?
Strip: Sweatshirt
If someone made a movie about my life what would they call it?
What not to do
If you were given 6 million dollars but had to give up sex and masturbation, would you do it?
Depends on how long we're talking about.
Who was the first person you ever had a crush on and how old were you?
Hell if I can remember.
If you had a half hour to live what would you do?
Not sure really. Probably call up family and tell em I love em and then make sure my will is in order. Don't want anybody questioning who gets what from my non existent estate.
If you were guaranteed an honest answer from any person in the world, who or what would you ask?
My dad - why the hell he was such a jackass to my mum.
Majority of the time who or what do you think about when you masturbate and why?
STRIP! I ain't putting my business out like that. T-Shirt
Have you ever dated 2 people at the same time without telling them? Why didn't I tell them?
Yes, t'was an ego thing.
What's your most intimate fantasy?
Strip: Cargos
If you could describe urself as a weather event what would it be and why?
What the hell kind of question is that?
Would you rather have perfect hair, body, face etc?
Neither. I would love some Michelle O brains.
Have you ever had a one night stand?
Nope. I am hella conscious about who be rolling through my sheets.
What's the worst thing you've done on a webcam?
Nothing. Don't want my shit in YouTube.
What's my fav sex toy?
Strip: Shorts

We'll stop here as there is only so much that can be taken off legally :P.


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