Thursday, April 16, 2009

Half Penny Post: Observations part deux

Additional observations about my life:

Having female roommates is always an experience. One of two things happens ... you either all sync cycles so there is a week or two of total insanity or you all spread out so the whole month is insanity central. I have two female roommates (technically one is my male roommate's gf) and of late it's been insanity central all month.

I had a discussion with one of my co-workers about what I want to do with my life and I've discovered money is actually not my primary motivator. I'd be willing to work for "free" that is I'd be willing to take a short term contract if room, board and transportation were covered. Now unfortunately in order for me to meet some of my other goals, money will need to find it's way into the top 2 positions.

I am challenged when it comes to completing what I start. I have the attention span of a 5 year old in some instances. School has been the one thing which I've stuck to mostly because I enjoy the process of learning and discovery. When I start other projects it does take me a while to finish em unless I have a deadline to meet that is imovable. I am a professional procrastinator. One of the reasons why I do not finish something comes down to what if I finish and it's not good enough. At this point it's no longer a fear of failure but a fear of not measuring up.

I am tired of being told I dream too much and need a dose of reality on what I can achieve. I see things and try things and sometimes fail at things. I live my life and don't always make the wisest choices. Each thing that I do has either shown me what not to do or what I need to be focusing on as I move towards my dreams. Is it realistic of me to expect to own property in four countries ... damn skippy it is. Am I being unrealistic when one of my dream properties is a 1.2 million dollar house? Nope! I do not expect to use it as my primary home, more of a house I use a week or two out of the year. The rest of the year, I'm renting it out either as a time share property or a corporate house. Renting it out as a corporate house will cover the mortgage based on the rental values for the houses in the area. So you see while I am dreaming of that house on the hill with the ocean view, I'm also thinking of ways to pay it off and get a good ROI. I am thinking of ways of financing it if need be as well as the upkeep costs. I am planning, but all you hear when I speak are the words "1.2 million dollar house" and think I spend to much time dreaming.

Another observation is that to some extent I am detached from the things around me. I think that is one of the reasons why I have no problem with picking up and moving. I can walk away from people and things and not look back which is a good and a bad thing. Good because it means I can take assignments with a 90% travel rate and bad because there is a level of loneliness that comes with it.

Final observation for this post: I am an eternal optimist. That is something that I get from my dad. No matter how bad things are he always says it will get better. He believes that out of every bad situation will come good. Come to think of it, it was something my maternal grandma used to say as well. I can almost hear her saying "Kuzolunga mzukulu. Qinisela" which means it will get better my granchild, just stay strong / with it. She used to say it when I called her and shit was jus not going right. She passed away several years ago and still when shit is not going well, I think back to her words of encouragement and optimism.

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