- I've just discovered that The No. 1 Ladies Detective is on HBO. Didn't even know we had HBO. Anyway it's worth a watch. Jill Scott does a bang up job as MaRamotswe. Desmond Dube as the gay hairdresser is pure genius.
- On the job front I was a slacker this week. I will admit it.
- I am living for homework, homework and more homework. On my free night it's me and a good murder story and Youtube for movie watching.
- My ma is major stressed ... hell the whole family has been this week. We seem to go from one high stress situation to the next. And they wonder why I want to go into Business Continuity Planning / Disaster Recovery. I live for the adrenaline rush.
- It's SPRING in Chicago for all of 2 days.
- I got a damn tkt from the Chi midnight patrol. I don't have Chi city stickers on the car ... the damn plates are from out of state for Pete's sake. I see no reason to put Chi stickers on it.
- I have been in a flirty mood of late and today I was just incorrigible. I was truely beyond reform. I also had my outfit on point ... and that meant my swagger was also along for the ride. Two of my co-workers even asked if I had a date lined up after work. Nope tis jus me and my laptop. I turned the charm on with one lady because I got tired of her staring at me.
- I work with students and have the pleasure of confusing the hell out of the new students every quarter.
- There are 2 African American women in my academic program who have pinged my non existent gaydar to Pluto and back (and by pinged I mean gonged). I was going to comment on them a few posts ago but forgot to. When I started to write this post I was going to say where I know them from then it occurred to me that a couple of people who read this blog might know them as the women's social circles in my academic department tend to overlap. I have no business outing people (unless they are family). Besides, what if they really are just straight gay friendly folks....
- If you are queer/lesbian/gay/pick your label and watch soaps I'm sure that by now you've heard of the Otalia story line on Guiding Light and the Joey/Charlie story line on Home & Away. If you haven't I highly recommend Youtube for some condensed viewing. I'm not a soap watcher but I've gotten drawn into the stories. The anguish as demonstrated by Otalia is just heartwrenching at times. Side note: the actress who plays Charlie get's my AMEN for the day. Unfortunately I feel that after this week of awesome reveletions, shit will hit the fan and it'll all go to hell in a handbasket next week. My crystal ball shows another Callica (Grey's A) coming right up.
Have a great weekend!
i feel like you have posted about airports in awhile... you cool?? :-p