Saturday, April 10, 2010

My 27th birthday in images

Happy 27th Birthday to me... yay. Thanks for all the good wishes. This past year has been a blessed one and I look forward to continuing to do big things in the year ahead with the Lord as my guide. Below are some images from the day - click to enlarge.
Pic 1 is of a Caribbean band that was playing in the park by my house. Pic 3 is of a ladybug that landed on me while I was out walking by the lake. Pic 4 is an underpass that is decorated in Native American art. Pic 5 - 11 were taken from the Cultural Center. I like art what can I say. Pic 12 if the view from a lab on campus. Pic 13 is of church. Had to get my praise on at the First UMC today.
Final pic is of my birthday feast. I hit up Steak n Shake and had a double cheese with everything on top. The thing was stacked. You get a free shake on your birthday. I haven't had ice-cream since last summer and fries I haven't seen since January. Its back to disciplined eating again but I sure enjoyed the meal. Incidentally the only other thing that is off the eating list is cake [and all its cousins]. I am off alcohol for another 30 days so there were no adult beverages harmed during celebration of this day.

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