Friday, April 9, 2010

Weekly Rundown

Hey Good people.
  • Weeks been pretty decent, save for the weather. I get the feeling God said to Noah "Verily I say unto you, it shall never rain for 40days and 40 nights again. I do reserve the right, however, to make it rain for 39 days and snow on the 40th." That about sums up the past week in weather.
  • I swung by the library yesterday and as always I had a delightful conversation with the librarian. I am still working up to inviting her to catch coffee sometime.
  • I have been enjoying my CERT class a lot. We were chatting amongst our selves the other day and were joking about the incentives for signing up. #1 is the green helmet that you get, #2 is the chance to play with fire extinguishers, #3 who doesn't want to know why gas smells the way it does.
  • Yesterday's class takeaway - "It depends" is an acceptable answer to just about anything. If you find yourself with a green tag attached to you during medical triage might as well make yourself useful and volunteer for you are only ahead of those with black tags and they have already gone to meet their maker.
  • I love my job. Where else would I be paid to play a game (dice and playing cards anyone?) and make notes on how we can modify it for our test exercises.
  • My niece continues to grow and amaze me. They do grow up soo fast.
  • Today is my last day as a 26 year old. I am panicking ever so slightly. Upside to turning 27 is my body looks better now than it did at 21.
Addend: I was asked what workout I am using. I am using the Commando Cardio - beginner freebie. Its all bodyweight, no equipment needed. By stage 3 of 5 I am huffing and sweating up a mess. My arms are singing and I don't ever want to do another squat or jumping jack or push up or body v-up in my life. I want to be done and NOW! I highly recommend doing it first thing in the morning because it is very easy to talk yourself out of doing it after work.

1 comment:

  1. First I would like to wish you a Happy Happy Birthday! Second glad to hear about and the librarian, don't worry in due time you two will go out :) Third CERT sounds fun! LOL yes we have all of the wrist bands w/ all of the colors at the emergency room... I just had someone ask me why he was still waiting when he came by ambo clearly he was not dying lol. Congrats on enjoying your job and your hard workout that has been paying off! Happy birthday aries!
