One week until the World Cup kicks off! I am beside myself with anticipation. I have my apps on my phone set up so that I have real time info on all the games as well as the behind the scenes gossip. I want to put a vuvuzela over my desk for the duration of the World Cup... yes I am that much of a soccer fan.
No proper librarian edition this week. I had a meeting during my regularly scheduled library time. She did however recommend a book that she loves that is out of my general reading realm and she figured I'd either like it or hate it. The jury is still out on it as it has Spanish sprinkled liberally throughout it and my Spanish only exists within the boundaries of soccer commentary.
For those who have never watched the movie La Cucina, I highly recommend it. It revolves around 2 conversations about relationships that take place in the kitchens of the participants. The conversations are thought provoking so don't watch it if you just want to veg out. I've watched it a couple of times and each time I catch something new. Speaking of movies, I finally came around to watching Vicky Christina Barcelona and found it quite entertaining.
I am hoping to travel out east either next Thursday or the following Friday. I miss my little princess and also need to head back to OH to visit family.
I am crossing items off my to do list at a rate that I am proud of. I completed my RC Reserve Corp training today and was on the team that won the little challenges [they weren't that big of a deal but we wanted the little pins]. This is another thing that I've wanted to do for a while so I am very proud of myself. I used to wonder why I got myself up at 6am on a Saturday in the middle of Winter to go to a class or simulation exercise and now I am beginning to understand why that was important. It was not required of me but I went and now I appreciate the foundation that was laid down during those weekends along with the discipline that it instilled in me.
I still need to get my stuff together on the job front. Come August I need to not only be employed full time, I also need to be making enough to help my sister with her tuition.
Chi Summer Dance kicks off next week and I can't wait. I love dancing in the park. I am no longer as self conscious as I used to be. I have no problem with laughing at myself when I do the steps wrong with a crowd watching. It's all about having fun!
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