One of my earliest memories is of me in church with my mother. Before she married my dad and before my sister was born. I was 2 or 3. We got to bring branches into church and sang a song that I hope to one day teach my children.
Palm Sunday has always been my favorite Sunday of the year because it leads up to the Christian New Year (Easter). Holy week for me is about really sitting down and examining where you are spiritually. This self examination is a lot harder for me than my usual New Year's review. Come Good Friday I take all my failings and lay them at the foot of the cross, thus I start the year anew and revived.
This Lenten season was a little harder than the other years. I gave up alcohol [no problem - even though I ended up at more open bars than I care to count] and self service. Self service was almost my undoing. I am now at 6 weeks [I started a week before Lent], though I almost caved in during week 2. Working out 3 days a week has helped with energy control. Spending time just talking to God has helped me to control thoughts a little better. I also spent time de-cluttering my life, pruning back the less productive vines and carefully tending to the rest. I want good qi flowing through my life.
When I get through this Lenten season, I feel that I will be a better person than when I started it. I am certainly a lot more disciplined.
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