My my how time has flown. Can you believe we are already halfway through March? I am staring down 27 ... hard.
I get to see my niece for a short while tomorrow. I can't wait! The weather had better not result in any delayed or cancelled flights.
Ever come across a job description that made you say YES! I did this morning. 4 page pdf of job description, requirements etc. I read page 1 and thought this is good. By the time I got to the bottom of page 2 I had halfway composed my cover letter mentally. Come page 3 I was mentally tweaking the finished cover letter and my resume. I mean I am seeing a strong direct correlation between my skills and past experiences and their requirements. I hit page 4 and SCREECH! I see the following "*This Position Does Not Attract International Terms And Conditions". The kiss of death for any foreign national. O well, guess it's back to the drawing board.
I made a few good contacts this week at a conference. They had lots of good advice on the job search process. I will be on this year's FY 2011 H-1B approved list. (I'm putting it out into the universe.)
We are that much closer to Spring and the hell it brings those of us with allergies. Don't get me wrong, I love warm weather and the trees greening up. I just hate being in a medical haze every couple of days.
Evolving asked me whether my current workout schedule was Lent inspired. In a word Yes. I do try to take up something every Lent in addition to giving up something. I blaspheme not when I say exercise can bring you closer to God. Don't believe me, try holding the plank position for extended periods of time. I also needed a healthy way to burn off all the extra energy that comes from giving up self service.
An early Happy St Patrick's day. I, for one, am looking forward to preparing and eating a full Irish breakfast on said day. I may not be the best cook in the world but I do know breakfast. It is my favorite meal to prepare after all.
Yes time is flying and its scaring me. I am ready to go on interviews too. I wish you the best with finding a job! I know its tough out there and you have another dynamic but you will hopefully find it soon. Have fun with your niece! Kids grow up so fast like weeds before you know it she will be walking, talking, with a personality that will make you laugh. Good luck with the last couple of weeks of lent! Have a good weekend!
1 comment:
Yes time is flying and its scaring me. I am ready to go on interviews too. I wish you the best with finding a job! I know its tough out there and you have another dynamic but you will hopefully find it soon. Have fun with your niece! Kids grow up so fast like weeds before you know it she will be walking, talking, with a personality that will make you laugh. Good luck with the last couple of weeks of lent!
Have a good weekend!
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