- Thanks for all the votes of confidence. I've ordered my books so I shall be stopping by the library on Thursday and we'll see where the conversation takes us.
- I got to see my niece last Sunday -- technology is a beautiful thing. She is growing and the cutest thing ever. My niece got her passport in the mail last week. At 3 months she is following in the family footsteps. My sister was cleared to travel internationally at 1 month and I was at 2 months. Nono has actually been to more states thus far than some people that I've met (DC-VA-MD, PA, OH, OK).
- I got a new piercing this week. This one marks the beginning of my professional life. I've been wanting to do it for a while but didn't have the funding. As luck would have it I met someone in my program who is now an apprentice piercer and they needed test subjects so I got it for free. Did you know that nipple piercings are the most painful? Turns out they hurt more than that those "South of the Mason Dixon Line of your pants".
- 5 weeks into the workout program and we are still going strong. I've fallen off the bandwagon a couple of times but it's all good. I am beginning to see hints of definition. To get my piercing I had to take my shirt off and I must say I was not embarrassed to do it. I've never been prouder of my abs in training. Tomorrow we kick off stage 3 of the regimen and switch things up again. Did I mention that this idea of eating 6 times a day is crazy but effective. Like clockwork my body requires food every 3 hours.
- The week got off to a rocky start. I received 3 rejection letters on Monday ... all before lunch. The day itself ended well as I made the conscious decision to not become depressed by the job rejection emails. I'd only done one round of interviews for them all so it wasn't as bad a rejection. Going 3 rounds and then being rejected ... now that hurts. To my fellow job hunters I say stay strong, it only takes one yes for it all to be worth it.
How many piercings do you have? Just curious...
I'll say that I have more than three. One requires more than a hall pass to see most of them.
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