Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Half Penny Post: Beautiful day

T'was the warmest day this side of winter, and all were out and about.

It really was a lovely day. The weather was in the sixties and I ran all my errands on foot. I made a bread run and walked to the CVS that is 2 train stops from my house. That I had the day off was the extra cherry on my sundae.
Lovers and Friends Episode 5 is up and running and who saw the 2nd last scene coming?
I've been trying to get a hair trim for the last couple of days and it has not been an easy task. I am picky about who shears my noggin so I have one person who is allowed to trim the locs and another who tightens em. The cutter has been in and out of the shop and is therefore nigh impossible to catch. One of these days I'm really hoping to catch him as my ends are in need of a trim.

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